im happy..
and i get 2 meet my dar.dar as well..
i am that HAPPY!
honestly, i realised aft OUR trip to HK..
our r/s has gotten better.. ;)
and i always feel insecure slpin at nite..
as im so used 2 havin him slpin nx 2 me at nite
(fyi, we slp on 2 different bed. dont anyhow tink horx!)
but nwadays i hafta slp by myself..
no1 2 help me cover blanket when i kick em' off.
no1 2 look at when i cant doze off.
no1 2 look at when i open my eyes in e morn.
no1 2 brin me hot water when im havin cramps..
no1 2 acc me watch TV until e wee hours..
those r wat dar.dar did 4 me durin e trip..
esp on that nite when im havin diarrhoea & cramps..
both attacked me 2gether at night..
wakin me up frm my slp..
and visited e toilet for a whole 20mins..
perhaps e 2nd time woke dar.dar up..
cux he imm. get me hot water 2 drink..
and ask me 2 eat my painkiller.
in order not 2 leave me alone, he on e TV
den we sorta watched news durin those weird hrs..
(HK got news all arnd e day)
but i know he was tired..
so i force myself not 2 think of e pain..
and faster doze off..
another day i was down with headache & flu.
he bght panadols (twice) + lemsip 4 me.
even force me 2 drink e cuppa lemsip hot.
to drive my flu away.
so nw do u uds how our r/s got better?
hehehhe.. anyway, im lookin 4ward 2 tml lahx..
and i hope tml wil pass by slower..
cux Fri is my 1st biz day AGAIN! eewww~
i think francine wil remember Polo Ralph & Boss..
that Boss perfume is bght frm Toa Payoh.
Cine intro me say there sell cheap cheap.
and e Polo Ralph is a pressy frm cine..
toto is happy as well lehx..
cux my mama bght a new toy 4 him..
c he's smilin with his teeth showing lehx..
that yellow toy is his fave nw --- i guess.
Labels: dar.dar, miscellaneous, toto