so it happened..
like i've said,
i went 2 buy perfume ytd aft work.
BUT i wasnt v successful..
bcux my beloved perfume was discontinued!
i was shocked & surprised at e same time.
e smell was so nice, why was it discontinued?
all e shop owners say its discontinued for 1yr+ le..
and im so affected by it lahx..
bght my bottle way back in 2004 lohx..
(r u tinkin why i can use a bottle of perfume 4 so long?)
cux im usin 3 kinda perfumes at e same time!
anyway, e perfume which i wanted was
Escada Ibiza Hippie
its a fruity smell perfume..
not jux a kinda fruit like DKNY's apple smell..
but.. its a mixture of diff fruits..
and its a Summer edition perfume mahx..
*while typing e above sentences,
i decided 2 go yahoo search 4 e perfume pix,
and came across this webby
to support my sayin of e perfume discontinued
so if any1 come across this perfume..
pls dont hesitate 2 let me know ok?
and due to all 3 bottles of perfume finishin,
and yes.. all finishin at e same time..
therefore, i hastily made e decision.
that is 2 buy Polo Ralph instead.
as a substitue of my Escada.
at e tot of able 2 buy my Escada..
but who knows..
decided 2 try my luck again..
their Anything was sold out again,
so i choose Whatever lohx..
so i choose Whatever lohx..
its APPLE tea!
why mux it be apple again?
i got a Zapper (apple taste) and nw this..
m i fated 2 get apple drinks only?
m i fated 2 get apple drinks only?
i want my Grape lahx..
(say in a 4yrs old sulkin way)
aft i rched hm,
realised there's a mail 4 me..
e rest all r hers!
and den i dig out 3 tops..
asked whether my sis wanna buy frm me..
she's oni interested in 1 of it..
therefore, im posting another top up 4 sale..
pls note this top is BRAND NEW!
with e tag intact,
back of the top,
material of e top close-up..
and the frills at the bottom of e top..
im sellin it at $20..
pls tag me if interested..
i was quite satisfied with it initially..
but this morn when i tried it on..
its majiam a choker than necklace..
im gonna change e chain..
im gonna change e chain..
cost me SG$20 for it..
hahah.. even more exp than my boots horx?
BUT who ask me 2 fall 4 it as 1st sight?
BUT who ask me 2 fall 4 it as 1st sight?
saw it on e 1st/2nd day..
and i only bght it 1hr b4 leavin 4 e airport.
i got reason 4 not buyin it at 1st..
my sis measure e top aganist my shoulder..
she said its abit small 4 me..
and im affected by her comments lohx..
and im so determined 2 slim down 4 this tee..
lolx.. crazy woman..
however, guess wat i found out?
(pardon my naked face..
look abit lack of nutrients horx?
sumore my hair is uncombed.
bcux im exhilarated that i can fit into it.
so i wanna snap it as evidence 2 show dar.dar)
its not that SMALL 2 make me breathless..
nor that BIG 2 make me breastless..
(ok.. lame.. tryin 2 make it rhyme)
cux its JUST RIGHT for me..
cux its JUST RIGHT for me..
only thing is shoulder area abit small..
e rest r alright..
i made e right decision..
its only left with less than 0.5ml..
so i plead..
if any1 see this perfume..
i'll chiong down 2 buy it..
Labels: holiday, miscellaneous, spree
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