act. nuttin much 2 update abt lahx..
but stil cum here blog blog abit..
keke.. duwan v long den login here 2 check mahx..
aniway Tue n Wed head down 2 NUS do FYP..
[18.10.2005] Tue
We went down as usual at 10am..
rch there settle down awhile n get the ball rolling..
got ourselves cup of hot milo..
setup cha bo's laptop..
plug in my USB cable n mp3..
wOohOo~ n we'r on our own liaox..
me n py went 2 buy bac our lunch frm e NUS canteen..
bght fish n chips as normal..
cha bo nv cum along cux she was havin a bad stomach ache..
keep running to n fro toilet.. keke.. =X
had our lunch n tok 2 our supervisor as well..
he did some explaination 2 us..
as to how e program work..
e formula of how pix search 4 pix..
its some kinda mathematics formula..
super chim arhx.. tink its studies in U bahx?
tats y we poly duno mahx.. =)
well well, py n zy pay full attention 2 wat our supervisor said..
as to mine.. i asked him how 2 write the image path..
den he told me 2 use a software call MySQL..
hMmm~ duno a single bit lehx.. =\
he oni gimme 6 pages of notes 2 read up on..
wib some Intro, Instructions etc..
not v detailed lorx.. -_-ll
*sIgh* sad part is our supervisor Dr Xiong Wei goin bac China..
he call another guy Dr Jiang 2 supervise us..
but e Dr Jiang looks v unfriendly..
Ugh!! We dun like him at all..
lucky got another guy Zhang Ning assist us..
he's studyin in NUS nw..
doin his fyp too..
keke.. but helpin us wib e programming..
using C++ worx..
(cha bo v happy tat he helping us.. =X)
me n cha bo oso tak piles of notes up 2 level 4 to bind..
we bind e notes ourselves lehx..
learn sth new orhx..
quite interesting thou we spend a long time..
Tue we went off at 5+pm..
[19.10.2005] Wed
We met at Imm at 1:30pm..
raining heavily arhx..
ate our lunch BK den walk arnd b4 goin NUS..
rch NUS at 3:15pm..
they do their readup while i try figurin out abt MySQL..
arnd 5+pm Zhang Ning cum by..
discuss abt the programming..
b4 he went off 4 his dinner at 6+pm..
during tat time.. we did some toopid stuffs..
wear a Knee Guard which py bght..
on our jeans den jump arnd..
while zy took it down usin her hp..
she tak video lorx..
we look damn stupid in it..
jux like some candid video siax..
hope she dun publish it out..
if not really no face le.. muahahaha~
stay on until 8+pm b4 goin off..
so qiao my bus 200 jux went off lorx..
i waited all e way until 8:56pm until e nx came..
by e time i rch my hse bus stop is alady 1020pm le..
omg!! damn stupid 200 lorx!!
settle some stuffs wib e beauty salon in-charge, Eva
she called to inform me e commission n basic amount..
was super shock to noe basic is $4/hr
and commission $2 per voucher sold..
v off rite?
of all e sales job i had b4, tis $4 is e least..
thou e commission sound attractive,
but e basic was really off le..
so i told her im workin currently for m1
and they gimme $7/hr lorx!
she stil dare to say $4/hr is market rate 4 student!
wth?! tryin 2 bluff me?!
i stil went on to tell her tat i got commission of $1
for every M Card sold..
which is partially true.. durin a carnival..
so she say she wil consult her boss again..
wil get bac 2 me e nx day..
by den, doubt i'll b interested le bahx?
[20.10.2005] Thur
Went 2 cha bo's hse..
ate e fried bee hoon her maid cook..
v yUmMy worx.. plus e fried eggs which cha bo fried..
ai xin ji dan worx.. =)
toopid chris demand for fried omellette siax..
so troublesome rite? =X
played mahjong when py arrive..
dong, nan, xi and bei we played for 4+hrs lorx..
took really a long time rite?
all bcux e banker keep winning..
den con't to stop at his/her place mahx..
in e end, py won $59 and $33 worx..
cha bo n chris lose..
but cha bo lose e most..
lolx.. had lotsa fun playin wib dem.. =D
mahjong khakis le yeahx?
chris got 1 time win by all "wan zi" lorx..
every tile of his is "wan zi" nehx..
we hafta pay him "wu tai" de amount..
super bad arhx him.. all collect "wan zi"
den another py win by "pin hu zi mo"
we hafta pay her double amount..
tat is $32 each arhx!!
jux by tis rnd she can slowly lose bit by bit..
kekeke.. aniway chris went off 1st..
while me n py wait 4 e Sad Love Story vcds..
another set of korean drama 2 watch..
yiPpee.. heard frm chris tat its v sad..
so sad tat he ALMOST cried..
fwah, he is e 1st guy whu love 2 watch korean drama..
among my frenx siax.. kekeke..
i rched hm at 9pm..
had my dinner n turn in early le..
[21.10.2005] Fri
morn wake up 2 watch The Cave on my com..
it shld b a bloody movie lahx..
but e quality sucks..
totally no feeling at all siax..
deleted e movie le.. cux its not DVD format..
clean up my room, went 2 bath n had my lunch..
prepare abit den went off at 2:30pm to go SP..
y hols stil return bac 2 SP lehx?
kekeke.. jux 2 return SP lib bk lorx..
damn stupid.. cannot renew..
cux too many renewals le..
sad siax.. took bus all e way down jux 2 return a toopid bk..
aft tat i tak 106 to orchard..
meet min go Taka Recruit Express office return uniform..
oso handed my in-charge Janet e time-sheets and receipts..
so happy.. earliest by 1st of Nov wil receive e pay le..
$234 worth of money..
eHhhx.. nono.. oni basic..
which is arnd $195 bahx? =)
shall wait for 15th to arrive..
whereby i can collect 2 mths of m1 pay..
omg!! so excited at e tot of it..
plus my mum gonna gimme $150 for 10days..
cux she n my dad r goin 2 china..
so durin e 10days i wil b v lonely..
3rd of Nov my sis go Batam/Bintam..
i wil b home alone..
its a public holidat.. *sObx*
home alone by myself..
n toto too!
frenx, come over 2 my hse yahx?
acc me arhx~ okokokk?
kekeke.. min acc me find wallet..
bght a pierre cardin wallet 4 dar.dar
as his bdae gift lahx.. so happy..
i oso acc min checkout Go! Fitness promotion..
walk 2 hello! store near Heeren..
wanna c phones mahx..
Nokia gonna launch a flip phone..
look v lady n stylish..
its in black n red..
bad point is there'r no camera..
kakakaka~ duno wat phone 2 change lehx..
hope money can drop down frm e sky..
come come.. money come drop down..
jux drop down arnd my area wil do..
mak sure i can get it kx?
lolx.. ben si le..
im in need of money..
bcux i wanna change fone..
n i need promotion..
duno shld i choose clam shell type?
or flip phone?
or slide up phone?
Ugh~ dilemma..
Nov approachin.. 3 bdae coming..
how harx? *sObx*
well well 4get it..
gave dar.dar e wallet..
he seems delighted..
we watched The Transporter 2 at j8..
its v action pact..
i like those part tat e male lead actor drove car..
so exciting.. his driving skills r superb!
quite worth $9.50 lahx..
we had Mos Burger 4 dinner..
head hm n turn in at 2am..
[22.10.2005] Sat
woke up quite late at arnd 10+am..
drag n drag n drag until 12+pm den go off..
we went 2 eat Western food at my fave stall..
i had fish burger n fries + teh bing
while dar.dar had chicken chop + teh bing
aft finishin our breakfast + lunch,
we walked 2 tak 159 to SengKang..
had a serious tummyache..
rch Compass Pt i wanna go toilet..
but dar.dar went 2 his hair salon 1st..
n ask me go e salon by myself..
of cux i duwan lorx..
i went 2 walk arnd awhile..
but i nv brin any money lehx..
super sianx lorx.. sumore keys wib him..
he called me aft i nv show up at e salon
sayin wanna cum brin me go up..
but i duwan lahx..
he shld in e 1st place wait 4 me mahx..
y in such a hurry 2 go e salon ehx?
hpmh! mak me blood boils..
*sObx* so i ended up sitting outside 7-11
waited for 45mins!!
i've oways hated waiting 4 ppl..
durin e 45mins e angriness in my heart grew lorx..
ppl come n go infront of me..
really pissed me off..
when dar.dar finally come..
i showed him my angry face n he tried 2 "hong" wo kai xin..
oni when he bght Honey Stars n campbell soup 4 me..
den i stop showin him black face..
he oso cook campbell soup 4 me..
hahaha.. wash n clean up..
so lets treat it as a punishment 4 him bahx?
muahahah~ he is oso returnin bac 2nite..
tml acc me go work worx..
hao kai xin nehx. =D
tml m workin at Lucky Plaza..
11-6pm again..
money money here i cum..