and man was it 1 of the best i've played so far!
reason being i was 自摸-ing & 胡-ing for several times!
and i emerge as the overall winner - 1 against the other 3 worx!
duno if its plainly my luck or bcux i increased it by heeding the fortune teller's advice!
was told that white is good 4 me & metal items wil bring me luckiness.
end up it snapped before i can find 1.
collected $39 as a total!
collected $69 from all of them leh!!
then i realized the 2 photos of mahjong tiles shows all 4 creatures!
2 creatures in each photo hor? hahaha so qiao!
and chu er i went over his friend's hse 4 blackjack session.
managed to help him win some $$ as well.
thanks 2 his friend 4 helping us 2 snap this..
do we look like some huat huat couple?
aft these 2 rounds of playing, i kinda inspire to be a gambling queen.
provided that my luckiness wil continue to bring me more HUAT-ness!
and this year round, i help out by eating!
can stil remember the v last time we lou hei, i only eat those crispy stuff.
whereas this year, i ate everything else cept salmon. ;x
if only there r 30/31 diff flavours which i can eat them everyday!
happy max 2c them b4 they fly off 2dae 4 work..
Labels: celebration, family-love, lunch date, memorable day, mush