A Decent Entryfa
work has take a big turn from slacky to slightly more busy.
i agreed to take on additional workload & got a change in position.
the only thing im waiting now is pay adjustment!
wait til i can prove them my competency completely,
i'll definitely fight for my own worth!
spent our own afternoon chit chatting at Prof's Brawn!
b4 that i had e cervival cancer prevention jab too!
ouch! my L-arm was really aching aft that.
but all's worth it for my own prevention that is. :)
the very next day, she really fried it 4 me!
her own invention and own ingredients.
everything taste so deliciously that i was totally full!!
has Soup Spoon as im avoiding heaty food.
i jux hafta wait for my pimples to go down first.
concealer aint helping either.
due to e heavy workload, i hafta get happy food!
so mango pomelo sago to last me til end of the day!
heavenly nice with thick mango puree & QQ sago!
its gyoza flavour of biscuit sticks!
it mux have reminds her of me i supposed!
since im lack of calcium, hence i "invested" in these..
choco flavour milksss 4 me!
gonna try taking these for 1 full month..
lets wait for the outcome..
its Hanging with Friends!
come find me to play as well - veronicaliang
im like playing it so frequently that im neglecting others.
haven been checking my fb/ twitter/ instagram/ 4sq jux as much le.
i even got e bf to dl it & play with me..
e more e merrier isnt it?
ordered Root Beer & Ginger Beer!
i wonder what does Ginger Beer taste like?
we had 2 plates for 4 ppl with sausages too!
love it with my fave ketchup, taste exceptionally nice!
its extremely different from what i had at hawker.
not as hard or dry and the meat is tender.
everything was yummy with the right accompany!
then we call it a day by playing a round of mahjong!
1st time in my life play with real $$ and i won!!
its not alot though its jux $5.5 but thats not the point.
at least i can conclude im not really down on luck this year!
rights, i gotta go cook my maggi mee lunch le..
till im back again with new updates! ;)
Labels: dinner treats, family-love, introduction, lunch date, me myself n i, mush, TGIF