yahx.. i know i jux post up an entry not long ago..
budden since im freaking bored at e moment..
decided 2 add some "fun n laughter" onto my blog..
Incident No.1
during e last last wk when im rushing my report 2 submit,
i happen 2 tok on e phone wib 1 of e In-charge of oth countries,
lets call e person, Mr K bahx..
he's from JP and sounds like a uncle 2 me.. =X
was discussing on our work stuffs, when he suddenly asked,
he: you sound quite young to me
me: yah, indeed im v young..
me: for you info, im e youngest in this company..
he: wowx! i din know ur company, CSC employ underage ppl..
me: -.-" nahx.. not 2 e extend of underage lahx..
he: haha.. but you really sound very young to me..
me: yes.. im v young.. jux stepped into 20s only..
he: oh.. i tot you were under 20.
me: 2x -.-" (i decided to end this conversation and so i...)
me: ok.. lets get back to business...
tats how i ended the v bo liao conversation wib Mr K..
he is a Singaporean but migrate to JP le..
hohoho.. sounds familiar 2 my colleagues? =X
i dun mention names.. =p
Incident No.2
ytd was 1 of my sian-est day in e office..
and additionally, i bght mango pudding, biscuits, fruits 2 office..
feeling bored aft lunch, i opened e biscuits 2 eat..
so qiao, my boss's boss walk pass my desk..
he saw me eating, so i jux smile as him as he walked off..
next min, when i eat e fruits i bght,
another lady boss whom i duno who, walked pass my desk as well..
she saw me eatin fruits n munching happily..
=\ y so sway?
jux an hr b4 i left 4 hm,
i opened e mango pudding cux my mouth was itchy..
while eatin happily n tinkin of goin hm 2 do my things,
plus smiling cheerfully 2 myself,
i saw my boss walk pass my desk!!!!
how unexpected?
3 times im eating sth, 3 boss walk pass my desk..
it jux happen so coincidentally when im eatin..
no boss walk pass when im surfing net..
only when im eating..
jialat lehx.. wil they tink im busy eatin n not working?
i shall tink of more incidents b4 i continue updating..
so bored on a Saturday..
frenx working de working..
not working de meetin bf..
not meetin bf de meeting frenx..
not meetin frenx de meeting colleagues..
not meetin colleagues de ... meeting ex-colleagues..
not meeting ex-colleagues de ... meeting enemy?
not meeting ex-colleagues de ... rotting at hm..
jux like me lorx.. =(