Lots of things have happened 4 e past wk..
from last wkend, our US art stuffs arrive..
and den another art n craft shoppin trip on Wed..
to clinchin 2nd n 3rd deal 2 our online biz..
all thx 2 Sharmaine n AiLian..
4 purchasin a total of 3 door hangers frm us..
hafta rush thru them as they wanted it 2dae..
(but postpone 2 sat or sun collection)
and den my mama's mooncakes order hit a total of 30..
which means we might earn abt $300+ profit?
hehehe.. a million thx 2 all those who shown their support..
in buyin or promotin e mooncakes 4 us..
plus last Sun alone..
i completed 1 album (pressy) n 2 frames..
all r gifts 4 frenx de..
feelin so accomplished..
m v satisfied with e album i made..
4 my goodie fren de..
hope she wil like it alot..
plus, she MUST treasure it..
cux its my 1st acid-free album completed..
b4 i 4got, mux express my gratitude 2 oths..
dar.dar's relatives of hk give us mooncakes..
HK brand de traditional mooncakes..
n oso HK brand de egg rolls (ji dan juan)
his dad even bght cola gummies..
*omg~ even his dad know i've got swt tooth
all these dar.dar brin over ytd..
din have time 2 tak pix yet..
shall upload pix when i've got chance..
m currently addicted 2 playin Bomberman on his PSP..
so exciting lehx..
alot levels n mux fight boss de..
i v gan jiong n *niao at usin special powers..
thats why i keep restartin over n over..
oh no.. nearly 4got..
last Sat/Sun/Mon went 2 watch Miami Vice..
honestly, i dun like e storyline..
abit confusing n complicated at e same time..
jux find Colin Farrel yandao..
thou i hope he doesnt have long hair..
n those moustache..
quite a turnoff 2 me lahx..
however, i love his eyes.. =X
so mesimerizing ok?
went 2 dar.dar's hse too..
compete with him on com's bomberman..
i fight win a boss horx..
so dont oways say i no gamin genes le..
can cultivate de..
alright alright.. enjoy e photos..
1 last thing, i've finished watchin a TW drama
its all within 3days..
YouTube queen? =D
my lonely reflection at Bugis MRT..i exchange hp with dar.dar
thats why hp reflection is white..
anyway, im kinda feelin isolated again..
jux like e feelin of not lunchin with colleagues..
not much topics 2 tok abt?
while on e way 2 Bugis..
not i wana say lohx..fancy removin slippers on bus..
he even sit cross legged..
and keep strokin n touchin his "black" feet..
sumore he even *ahem* smell them..
Before designing starts..
halfway thru 2 finishing..
finally finish lohx.. 1st order..
2nd order..
last 1..
guess which 1 of e 3 is i made?
my mama bght 2 more ding dang thingy 4 me..
additional ding dang lunchbox..and oso ding dang's chopsticks n spoon + folk
very cute right?
last time 4got 2 add in my ding dang's tamagochi..
my doraemon collection is expandin..
Wed aft work..me n sis head down PS..
4 another art n craft trip shopping..
total damage of $250!!
aft 15% discount lehx.. =(
anyway, we bght patterned papers,
texas patterned cardstock alphas,
alpha templates 4 paint stamping,
rub-ons, stickers alphas,
prima flowers,
& brads..
v eeeyer right?my mum was makin mooncakes..
n takin salted egg e yolks out..
happened 2c this unusually thing..
e membrane din break..
looks v solid horx?
with e watery egg white..
e frame i made 4 my colleague..4 his marriage de..
havin drag 4 nearly 2wks le..
its a set with e door hanger..
made a simple frame 4 min..4 her 2 pin it in her office desk de..
hope she likes it..
wOwx!!dar.dar won another db medal..
2nd place 4 Men's 500m open lehx..
compete with ppl frm oth countries sumore..
1st n 3rd place r phillippines..
back of e medal..
toto scare i snatch his pilly n ball..look how frightened his face is?
hahaha.. use hand 2 put on his pilly sumore..
cute right?
my sis + bf share buy 2 boxes of mooncakes..
guess frm where?
hehe.. its Goodwood Park Hotel..
tot can keep e box..
but my sis wanted it 4 herself..hmmm~
jackfruit look-alike-flavour..
honestly, i duno what this fruit call in eng?
durian flavour..
i hate durians lohx..
cut open look of e jackfruit-look-alike- fruit..
its fresh fruit inside..
with the skin made with e fruit taste..
quite interestin ehx?
Woo~ finally my USA online art items r here..
act. it arrived 1wk ago..
but my sis din have time 2 meet her fren collect..
thus, it was dragged until last Sat..
sumhow these patterned papers was included..
have no idea which name it belongs 2..
funny thing is i dun rem buyin papers lehx..
mayb comes along wib my album?
cardstock alphas + tags..middle pc is my sis's..
extreme left is mine..
polka dots i love..
very versatile n convenient..
4 diff colors of cardstock alpha stickers..easy 2 use.. great 4 all occasions..
shimmering alpha stickers..got Silver, Black n Pink..
aha~ this is e album i bght..big one.. 12x12..
cfm can do arnd 20pages or more..
the total amount of things we bght online..cost us a freakin SGD$100 lehx!!
includin shippin + postage..
and i saw some alphas stickers in e PS shop..
same as those on e US webby..
it cost almost double here lehx..
luckily i bght in e webby..
within 2wks, nearly $250 gone in art n craft..
sad siax..
no profit, keep incurrin loses..