虽然我还有“拔牙前忧郁症“ 但,也不至于到最后一餐!
anyway, afew upates b4 i go prepare..
bath & had my v last "bite-able" lunch..
aft which, i guess most of my meals wil b porridge..
and MORE porridge liaox.. :(
thats y i'll missed alot thingy on zhen's bdae!!
*sObx*sObx* i stil cant accept it! =|
cux u'll not c my face 4 a long time..
dun 4get me okie?
i'll update often esp im at hm!
wil participate more frequently in MWL forum..
i wanna change my rankin!! ;p
any idea whose concert is that?
i like e words on e cover thingy..
"Losing your voice screaming for your idol : priceless"
but no dance only singing..
so not worth buyin $198 de tix..
even if we want oso cant buy..
lolx~ for more info, go my sis's blog..
not 4gettin 2 thx my sis's bf, weihong..
he Q-ed 1hr 30mins 2 get e tix!!
imagine e Q at sistic counter?
spent 1 of my gift vouchers..
on a tee 4 myself + briefs 4 dar.dar..
wanted 2 buy boxers but design not nice lehx..
any idea how excited i was ytd?
i wanted 2 change into it imm. lohx.. ;x
im really a happy happy girl nw..
i mean NOW, at this moment..
mayb afew hrs moment ltr i might not..
cux i'll be sufferin under e pain of....
2b exact, injection of anesthetic..
:( anesthetic suppose 2b painkiller..
but e injection into gum wil b painful..
*cry out loud uncontrollably*
im havin "post extract wisdom tooth sickness"
i've got a slpless nite ytd..
i cant imagine myself under op. lahx..
救我 救我 救我!!
Labels: memorable day, spree
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