2nd Last Day of MC
jux that photos r in my hp..
and i cant infra/bluetooth them 2 PC..
hafta plug in cable n setup etc 2 transfer pix..
find it abit too much hassle.. so...
but anyway, im bac 2 update..
n it has 2 pass toto's check 1st..
so all e clothes r "bind" 2gether..
so here's all e loots! ;D
finally my sis meetup with her fren..
n she collected our Lomo stuffs!
wOohOo~ cant wait 2 try out on my Hol-ka!
(i named my Holga baby as Hol-ka~) ;x
Sat was spent at hm..
nite time met dar.dar 4 dinner..
a decent meal alas..
had grilled fish w/o fries..
n they bght this back.. *jumps*
know whats inside? ;)
super soft.. i can eat i can eat!
v appetising indeed!
ur wrong!
bcux u can use e remote 2 control these cars..
jux like those bigger kinda controller cars..
really v cutie worx.. ^v^
m alterin sth give dar.dar..
cux he move bac hostel 2 stay again..
n i tot of doin sth 4 him 2 put in his rm..
plus "sth else" 2b shipped in frm US.. ;D
Below is the BEFORE of altering..
for him 2 hang on his door?
or anywhere else?
stay tuned 4 e AFTER of altering.. ;)
oh yehx~ this entry got another meaning..
is 2 push e bloody tooth down..
so it wont be anywhere near e taggy..
den it wont give Pinky any goosebumps.. ;p
Labels: dar.dar, introduction, scrapbook freak, spree, toto
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