some updates_v2
i have sumhow finished part of my report..
was half doing & half watchin videos jux nw..
finally completed Forensic Heroes online..
indeed a great drama of HK.. =)
an since i stil got another 4hrs+ left
(which i'll turn in at 11pm sharp)
so i might wanna watch "28 Weeks Later" ltr on..
definitely can finish this movie 2nite too..
jux by lookin at this pix.. u know what is this?
ANS : Passport Holder
and yes.. finally got a passport holder..
else, my passport has been goin arnd naked..
muahahahah~ alright.. paiseh abit lame over here..
given by my sis's bf, weihong.. ;)
but its a bolster worx.. with a bell bell near e neck..
which makes it 100% cuter than usual
she's using it everywhere!
even in livin rm oso huggin it..
cux its so huggable mahx..
(din know what 2 call it)
in fact, its use on toto de worx..
esp when he's naughty..
my sis wil use it 2 hit him! hahaha
toto.. better b aware ehx.. =p
and.. at last got chance 2 blog abt e donut trip..
i shall name 3rd Aug as e Donut Day!
lolx.. cux i q-ed only 1hr 45mins nehx..
which is e shortest time needed 2 buy donuts..
althou i oni bght 5 flavours.. =X
not enough time 4 lunch hence gotta buy back..
n pls note that im not e shortest ok?
lolx.. n im wearin flat pumps alright?
*whisper* i love this pumps e most of all ;D
kekeke~ lisa told xiang 2 give that face de..
2 make it look like she's jealous of my DONUTS!
i jux love takin pix with donuts lidat..
esp those with a hole in e middle..
n why mux donuts have a hole in e middle?
from top left corner :
Orange White Choco x2
Double Choco x2
Choco Mint x1
Roasted Coffee Almond x1
my mama & sis say Roasted Coffee Almond is nice..
in which both Choco Mint n Roasted Coffee Almond r new..
i din c these 2 flavours at Raffles City outlet b4..
im madly in love with my Orange White Choco..
which explains why this whole box is only this flavour..
n act. i bght a total of 10 Orange White Choco!
lolx~ (^v^)
okie~ donut update ends here..
e rest is taken ytd..
kinda 4get e story for 1st 2..
mayb wil find some online movie 2 watch..
to trace back what i 4got..
beginning was abit lost sumhow..
however, at e back wil explain it all..
give it a 3/5 stars
its meant 4 improving health..
plus.. metabolism, digestion, blood circulation
to decrease fatigue-ness..
hopefully 1mth ltr, i can c e effect..
guess its time 2 stop le..
need 2 go watch 28 Weeks Later nw..
nx 3days might b busy too..
mux check x 100 2 ensure 0 mistakes!
no more resending of reports le..
wish me luck yeh~
Labels: ding dang, lunch date, memorable day, movies
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