some updates
i guess there seriously is sth wrong with blogspot..
there're no longer font selection..
font size selection nor color selection..
n im really hating it! =(
cux, i dun go arnd memorising color code/name,
lidat, how 2 change color? (>.<)
maybe gotta go dig out my past programming bks..
might have some font code 2 use over here..
alright, nuff' said.. lets get down 2 work le..
of cux.. im not e 1 eating..
its my sis lahx..
Its dar.dar + Weihong's fave?
since they both eat Salmon arhx..
which.. i dun eat raw food..
but.. its NOT nice at all!
both dar.dar & weihong say e sauce too much..
cant even taste e beef lahx.. -.-"
which refuse 2 break apart..
look at e chopstick..
they mux have used superior egg bahx?
Chicken Sukiyaki~
hahahaha~ plus that kinda "egg flower soup"
(direct translation frm chn)
dar.dar took out sth from his bag..
its a new toy 4 me..
muahahahah~ =D
except it wasnt frm him,
but its frm his younger sis.. ;)
fly all e way frm NY-Birmingham-SG
hehehe.. wil treasure it..
mayb aft i finish all e bubblegum,
i'll go find other "replacement" 4 it..
did i mention im currently in love with peach?
althou e color is near 2 mango,
nevertheless, mango is stil my top fave..
so.. peach 2nd bahx? =p
esp this kinda Canned Sliced Peach~
YUMMY~ *scream out loud*
super BUSY i tell u..
didnt have time 4 lunch either.. =s
all bcux i made mistakes.. AGAIN!
ugh~ not purposely or careless..
its my 1st time doing this report..
so im not familiar with e criteria hence..
anyway, hope everything wil goes well frm 2dae..
until nx Mon-Tue-Wed which marks END OF BIZ DAY 4 me!
on a brighter mood..
i jux spree-ed a bag with my sis..
both of us bght e same bag..
only diff is color lahx..
YAY~! got new bag 2 use lohx..
mayb.. in 1mth's time!
;) till then~
Labels: dinner treats, introduction, memorable day
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