Im Finally Back~!
yOohOo~ how is every1 doing?
heheh~ gave myself a long long break..
away frm havin 2 blog everyday..
n also away frm typing + postin up pix..
stil wanna thx those who con't 2 visit my blog..
alright.. lets cut e nonsense short..
let me start off with my update den..
track back to ...
17.07.2007 [Tuesday]
~!* Happy Bdae to Papa & Mama *!~
duwan 2 mention their age here..
least it gave u guys a shock? =p
that day my sis bk-ed appt with a studio..
its 2 take pix in her grad robe..
jux nice e flashlight block my kaypoh face..
so me, mama & papa was waitin outside..
really got nothing better 2 do..
do we look alike?
super sway..
there's disruption!!
arnd 20mins+ or so,
photographer get us 2 go inside..
took us arnd 30mins+ 2 shot everything!
have got no pix on hand right now..
wait til my sis collect e pix liaox den blog..
20.07.2007 [Friday]
i was thinkin of cuttin my hair short again..
i'll b back 2 my sch girl look le.. =(
super sway..
cux that day suppose 2 go down Bugis lunch..
rched MRT station n realised..
in Sepia mode.. *nice*
i've stil got tons of photos 2 scrap..!!
finally.. im goin 2 eat this up!
25.07.2007 [ Wednesday ]
26.07.2007 [ Thursday ]
27.07.2007 [ Friday ]
super rush to & fro lahx..
cux we change 2 take 130 down 2 bugis..
time was waste on walkin & journey..
time was waste on walkin & journey..
in addition, nehx nehx was in office..
therefore, i cant lunch too long..
is 2 show how long & define xiang's lashes r..
thats bcux e mascara she used is given by ME!
hehehe~ its Maybelline XXL lahx..
but its flown bac frm HK de worx.. lolx..
but its flown bac frm HK de worx.. lolx..
act. i bght it 4 myself de..
however when i wanna used it,
den i realised its in wrong color! -.-"
its in Blackish Brown, not Pure Black..
n i know she used Brown mascara, so i gave her..
honestly, i nv use it worx.. hehehe..
21.07.2007 [ Saturday ]
spent my wkends scrapbookin again..
its choco balls siax.. =O
but they're "lao hong" already..
24.07.2007 [ Tuesday ]
e F21 stuffs that me & lisa bght finally arrived!
we're so damn scare that it'll b lost..
cux e organiser send it out on 17th July,
and it oni arrived on 24th!
1 whole wk 2 arrive, do u uds?
btw, that tube top is lisa's
25.07.2007 [ Wednesday ]
bcux e F21 stuff arrived ytd,
hence, m meetin lisa 2dae 4 lunch..
shun bian pass her e top..
e muchly awaited top 4 her!
so neat & tidy lahx..
esp e fringe i mean.. :)
in this photo, my fringe doesnt look neat right?
26.07.2007 [ Thursday ]
i found a new love in tanjong pagar mkt!
love their 卤蛋 esp.. ^_-
27.07.2007 [ Friday ]
was on MC today!
all bcux i was feeling slpy & tired..
plus flu & cough is catchin up on my health..
went down 2c doc with e main motive of gettin MC..
in e end, $24 fly away in xchange 4 3 meds + MC..
budden its super scary i tell u..
aft i had my breakfast & ate e med,
arnd 30mins-1hr ltr,
i started 2 feel a serious headache..
its not drowsy but headache instead..
i tot i've got not enough rest, hence i went 2 zZz..
stil, e headache stil persist..
up 2 a certain extend, i feel wobbly..
(when i walk 2 e toilet)
as i try 2 tear e toilet paper,
i feel my hands & legs shivering..
not that im cold or what..
its jux shivering 4 nothing lohx..
i even showed my mama my hands shivering..
n she imm. say mux b e med actin up..
went 2 tak pix of 1 cabinet..
do a count..
how many ding dang r there?
that nite, my sis surprised me!
she bght DONUTS hm 4 me lehx!
e other is new flavour - Choco Mint worx..
28.07.2007 [ Saturday ]
meetup with dar.dar FINALLY!
got my fave Donnie Yen in it lahx..
love him cux his surname is 1 of my names character.
n we smuggle into cinema 2 eat.. hahah
beef again? =\
cux i saw e Mango Pudding..
n we bght another 1 hm 2 eat..
29.07.2007 [ Sunday]
we youngsters went down Sentosa!
its to cele toto's 6th bdae in advance worx..
toto lyin on e seat with head droppin down..
my Sentosa entry tix..
toto's 1st stage..
we spotted this ang moh..
bcux toto is standin on my legs..
n his claws r so damn sharp lahx.. =(
we alighted n left toto in e car..
look at how sad his face is?
nahx.. its not what it seems..
this female dog love toto so much..
she keep running 2 my mat 2 find toto..
she keep running 2 my mat 2 find toto..
but toto was v hostile 2 her..
toto even bark at her..
so anti-social right? *shake head*
hehehe~ enlarge this pix 2c..
toto's eyes open v big!
usin e metal detector 2 find "things"
of cux, i duno wat he found..
this pix is taken by me..
this pix is taken by me..
n bg is my sis + weihong + toto
im at e bg if u notice.. lolx..
den weihong joined in e fun as well..
makin it punkish looking.. =p
dar.dar nv brin toto go swimming cux,
he morn had his lifeguard trg at Sentosa le..
sniffing trees after trees..
what is toto lookin at?
wOooo~ toto running bac 2 us..
its bathing time..
im e 1 in charge of pressin e water lahx..
bght by my sis de..
its frm e Famous chicken Rice..
met my sis at AMK Hub 4 dinner..
20.07.2007 [ Monday ]
was feelin super emo after work..
esp aft 1 commotion last Fri..
typed a chn entry usin my hp..
met my sis at AMK Hub 4 dinner..
our parents wasnt arnd..
so gotta settle our dinner on our own..
*shake head*
its not even hot at all.. (>.<)
another thing is.. there's lack of sth..
where got 卤面 no 卤蛋 de? =(
after dinner, imm. rush hm watch drama..
was in e midst of completing Heart of Greed!
left 1 episode aft watchin 7 episodes in office.. =x
what can i say lehx?
e ending is really a happy one..
im glad everything turns out nice.. =)
oh yahx, i completed Supernatural Season 1..
but its within 1 wk!!
im so damn in love with e guys.. :p
right nw m 8/22 episodes thru Season 2..
sadly, disc 3 was spoilt lahx..
gotta wait 4 dar.dar 2 dl 4 me le.. =(
b4 i can continue watchin e rest..
31.07.2007 [ Tuesday ]
on MC again!
this time rnd is stomach cramp!
but bo bian, stil gotta meet them 4 lunch..
cux lisa wanna order cake 4 her bf..
n she wants me 2 help her design it.. :)
went all e way down 2 Republic Plaza,
but in fact, xiang is order thru phone..
jux bcux i wanna tak bus hm..
so nice of lisa 2 acc me wait 4 bus..
thanks girl!
thanks girl!
cost lisa $1.60 for it siax.. (>.<)
toto lookin at me?
we celebrated his 6th bdae!
e cake i bght 4 him at Bugis..
looks yummy anot?
act. not worx..
cux its not warm when i rched hm..
n e cramp is killin me..
n e cramp is killin me..
dun have appetite at all nahx.. :(
i was so guilty 4 leavin him at hm alone..
mama & papa went relatives hse..
sis went out 4 work..
i shld have stayed at hm acc him..
i shld have stayed at hm acc him..
budden need 2c doc & meet e girls.. =\
toto was barkin & whinning when i left hm..
even when im at e lift lobby, he's stil barking..
i can tell, he duwan 2 stay at hm alone..
night time when every1 is hm..
stil got other nicer ones..
but its in my sis's camera lahx..
n i have got time 2 transfer over..
so, lets make do with tis k?
~!* Happy 6th Bdae, ToTo *!~
mux b more 乖乖 n 听话 worx..
if not, i'll not hesitate 2 cane u ok? =p
01.08.2007 [ Wednesday ]
~!* Happy 21st Bdae, WeiMin *!~
welcome 2 the 21st world! ;)
m back 2 work 2dae..
its my 1st biz day lahx..
no choice, gotta send some reports out..
pending 4 others 2 revert back..
hence, cannot wait until other day lohx..
another thing is,
2dae aft work m meetin lisa hm..
cux we'r goin YCK 2 meet another F21 organiser.
m self-collectin e stuffs from her..
gotta agree that e world is so small!
cux e organiser is my "cousin's pri sch friend's gf"
really super qiao lahx..
long story 2 explain here..
anyway, gotta go down collect e stuffs..
cant wait 2 join her spree again..
can save on local postage + she's reliable.
gotta stop right here le..
need 2 get back 2 work aft 1hr+ break..
till then~
Labels: celebration, ding dang, dinner treats, lunch date, memorable day, movies, spree, toto, wishes
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