our Ms Low has fly over to HK le..
if im not wrong, its 2 watch her Hocc's concert?
anyway, hope she enjoy her short hols..
ytd attempt another try of self-lunchin-trip..
aft like duno how long nv go Bugis alone..
and guess why i went down?
its all bcux of BUBBLE TEA lohx..
was cravin 4 it..
and if i dun go, i wil regret e whole day..
so hafta havin e craving,
i imm. get ready and head down le..
hahaha.. lucky bus was here aft a short while..
rched Bugis at arnd 1pm..
was back in office at arnd 145pm..
stupid right?
hmm.. let me back track to Tue..
i said i went over Cecil House off. to upload report..
instead of lv 8, i went to lvl 2..
the finance dept!!
bcux aft doing e billing 4 arnd 3mths?
i've yet 2 know wth is Michael..
so nice of him 2 help me prepare power + network cable..
found an empty seat jux the exact seat at e Main door..
dun uds why is every1 smiling at me..
*are they friendly or i over-sensitve?
was feelin kinda weird..
still.. i duno wth is Michael yet..
until i ask 1 of my colleague,
"heyx, who is Michael huhx? i nv c him?"
my colleague said,
"he say hello to u jux now?"
me gettin blur,
"huhx? since when got ppl say hello?"
sotong me..
the guy say hello 2 me and yet i ignored him!
lolx.. and i completely dun rem any1 sayin hello?
really sotong until cmi~
this morn was browsin thru some spree..
saw a cutie necky lehx..
cost TW$260 = SG$12.60
i like the silver necky lahx..
but sth is holding me back frm placin order..
didnt manage 2c anything else that i like..
and it seems quite stupid 2 place order 4 jux 1 item..
cux it wil take approx 1-2wks 2 arrive..
which agar agar 3wks 2 rch my hands mahx..
by then i might have 4gotten abt it?
sumore the previous 4 tops i place order on,
haven even rch SG yet lohx..
therefore.. i decided NOT 2 but it..

its a long long chain..
with the bling bling bear bear..
me & my bling bling..
oh yahx.. did i announce it?
my policy starts from 12th Jan'07..
monthly payin $150.15..
gonna be a poor girl soon le..
on a side note..
i hope to be able 2 save up 5k..
before my 21st bdae!
btw, dar.dar ytd suggest goin Tioman..
durin end of Feb lohx..
m stil considering whether wanna go?
act. not v lookin 4ward 2 go beach nw ehx..
more like goin shoppin trips instead..
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