m tryin hard not 2 show my CHUBBY face..
*pinch my own face

zhen didnt change pose at all lohx..
realised it when im transfering the photos..

we went Ben & Jerry's
bcux i promised zhen 2 treat her..
as a form of celebrating her gettin enlist?
cutie wordings on the small table..

zhen with our ice cream..

stickin my tongue out..

aft our v delicious-yummy-marvellous-ice cream,
zhen acc. me 2 "play" some ppl..
cux 1 of my poly frenx workin at Boost..
so i went 2 play him out..
purposely walk pass the shop..
when he's not looking out..
i smile at 1 of his colleague (a guy)
and mayb he tot i wanna patronise e shop,
so he smiled back at me..
and i smiled at him even more
and blink my eyes + nod my head..
the guy smiled back too!
lolx.. only when my fren notice me,
den my fren, Chris say "hello"
and i "hello" back..
and his colleague turn 2 ask Chris, "your fren arhx?"
hahaha.. i faster sneak away lahx..
me & zhen was laughin so hard..
BUT, i stil went back..
and we got a free drink lohx!
his colleagues r so funny can?
i ask.. mayb e 1 in charge, pointing 2 a machine..
*there were 4 transparent machines
"what is this for ehx?"
and the guy in charged replied, "you'll find out soon.."
when im stil in e midst of "huhx-ing"
zhen say its a mixer..
disgrace myself again..

drink Boost & be proud of it!
my arm looks kinda skinny over here ehx?

i like my arm in this pix..
seems so thin..
*jump arnd in joy
it was v cold in Vivo..
and we had ice cream followed by smoothies..
can u imagine how cold we are?
our stomach was full to the extreme too!
LJS + ice cream + smoothies
nx time shall head 2 Vivo again..
hopefully can see Jane workin there ehx?
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