Gosh~ 1st time in my 7mths+ workin at CSC..
i had breakfast at the kopitiam below Cecil House lohx..
and its not intentional de..
cux i went over Cecil House 2 take my power adapter..
asked my colleague 2 help me tak frm nehx nehx's desk..
(bcux nehx nehx fly 2 xx 2dae mahx)
and so kind of *him 2 offer 2 treat me breakfast!
hahaha~ feelin my stomach rumbling inside,
i accepted his offer lohx..
he had his mee siam + kopi
while me lehx?
cux its malay stall mahx..
and i duwan eat spicy food..
so i ordered teh instead of teh bing..
surprisingly, teh taste much better than teh bing?
had a 45mins+ talk..
walked back 2 office but went 2 develop photos..
*suddenly feel a cramp in my right calf,
might b due 2 over-walking? =x
anyway, rched office at a whoopping 1020am!
lolx.. isnt it consider quite late?
hMmm~ started pluggin in the power adapter,
logon 2 my profile in the lappy,
plug in USB of HD
and voila!
my HD is working!!
*clap hands*
i hurrily backup all my files..
and time check : 1105am
barely 45mins pass by only lehx..
went 2 check my gmail a/c..
found out lotsa new entry in sgspree yo~
again.. feelin v tempted 2 buy..
including changing from US-SG + GST + shipping..
it comes up to arnd $60++ lohx..
haix~ shall consider it tml..
c whether got ppl join in e spree anot..
if response not gd, it might b cancelled mahx..
furthermore, im stil waitin 4 my 4 tops!
right now m vexed abt v'day..
what shld i get 4 dar.dar lahx? v fan~
im considering bag? polo? tee? mp3 player?
can any1 gimme comment?
jux as i give up hope on goin out 4 lunch..
lisa say she's lunchin alone..
and she's craving 4 KFC..
sumore sms ask me e delivery 4 KFC..
see her so "gian", how can i ignore?
so i agreed 2 meet her 4 lunch at Bugis lohx..
plus we exchanged photos 2c..
super funny lehx..
i brought all e photos we took durin sec sch..
super toot arhx us!
oh yahx, went 2 apply 4 my POSB ibanking..
act. is 2 request pass/id reset..
its done finally!
changed my signature + bankbk as well..
rched office at 2pm sharp..
aft checkin mail + findin out abt vPost..
i signed up 4 an a/c lohx~
now i can legally shop frm US & Jap..
im so glad that my HD is fine!
its "discharged" lohx..
my last wk's Sat was so exciting..
went 2 FairPrice Xtra with my family lehx..
feel so family siax..
doing all e groceries shoppin 2gether..
in additional, my papa is payin ALL of it!
she bght the doraemon + starry bedsheets 4 ME lehx!
can match with my rm wall color horx?

we went 4 dinner at the mkt!
had our all-time fave, WESTERN FOOD!

and ultimately, i had a taste of it!
really taste not bad yo~

dar.dar love orderin this..
addon egg + rice and e uncle charge us $5.50 nia..
we'r VIP mahx.. =D

who got e most things?

isnt that quite alot?

so i jux take take take..
end up, i got so much siax..
the korean maggi mee is 4 dar.dar

some r share share de lohx..
*jump on my bed*
i've got a great cny ahead..
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