so sad bcux e total damage 4 MYSELF is over $200!!
shall not mention what is e exact amt..
anyway, my colleague's replacement comes in 2dae..
so happy right now!!
and i wil no longer b held responsible 4 wrong figures..

cux not enuff space?

cute cute too!

3 different colors + fonts..

big photo tape..

but different colors this time..

and different shape clipers
very nice bcux there's stars included..

with over 20 designs..

new cutter!!
got a cute name --- cutterpede
this is how it looks like..
i've changed from FSC to Scrapaholic Anonymous!
finally filled up my whole card..
took me nearly a yr lehx..
my new card!!
its stil empty!!
got 5yrs 2 complete this card..
a total value of $500!
but i can go down on double stamp days..
so i jux need 2 spend $250 only!
im damn excited ok?
becux i can use their Sizzix cutter le..
can cut big n small alpahs..
plus numerics too!
how great is that?
upon completin my old card,
i've got 3 free classes..
hMmm` oni dilemma is duno which 1 2 join..
*scratch head*
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