~!*~!* Happy 24th Bdae, Diana *!~*!~
~!*~!* Happy 20th Bdae, ShuWei *!~*!~

last Sat when takin lift hm..
who so uncivilised?
pluck out e Door Closing button?
dun let me catch e person..
if not i pluck out his/her leg hair..
make him/her scream!!

my pressy 4 my sis..

what i got in return..
a bag of M&Ms
with her name & happy birthday on them..
given 2 her from her bf..
she got a big box of them!!

can see the name anot?

Me : "toto, come give jiejie a kiss.."

toto : "dun force me 2 kiss u.. RRROOooaAaarRR"
(copied frm troy)
troy, dun teach bad my dog can?

toto : "haiya, give u some face.."
me : "yeahx` finally toto 'kiss' me lohx.. "

me : "toto, quick quick i need 2 aim e cam at u.."
toto : "why it seems like ...."

one of the page i did on Sat..
imagine 11+pm le im doin it myself..

another page i did on Sat..
think i oni turn in arnd 1+am ehx..
big sacrifice of my beauty slp..

see who i've got here..
its "Ji An" from Xiao Ding Dang..

recognize who this is?
Is "Yi Jing" worx..

really Mango Madness Me..
eHhx.. Triple M lehx..

another sinful thing last fri..
bght bubble tea at bugis..
gosh~ got pearl + jelly sumore..
sinful x 10 arhx!!
Let me present to u guys e toilet in my office building..
v clean & hygience de orhx..
flushing system v good + got toilet paper..
haha.. majiam do toilet ads..
wahx.. got full length mirror sumore..
half length oso got lehx..
aim e cam at me but got mirror reflect it..
so can agar agar know nice anot?
lastly, see the hand-dryer + servettes mahx?
aint me fortunate?
not many building got clean toilet de..
even if got clean toilet, den toilet papers lehx?
toilet paper is esp impt. 4 girls..
no need i say, u guys shld know why bahx?
back 2 work le..
another 30mins b4 i ciao!
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