our Day 5 in HK..
paiseh.. finally got time 2 upload pix..
sumore its reminded by dar.dar..
wil slowly upload Day 6, 7 and 8 soon..
jux stay tuned ok? ;)
dar.dar's pri sch lehx..
b4 he migrate wib his family 2 SG..
a trip to Repulse Bay..
omg~ so many Donts?
proof tat he is bullying me..
aaahhhhh~ dar.dar can piggyback me..
wOohOo~ means im not tat heavy ehx? =D
oh no~ where's my legs?
e 4 of us at e seaside..
me n my jie jie..
with all e tall tall buildings behind us..
i think those living arnd e seaside area r v fortunate..they get 2c e seaview everyday..
even with their loved ones..
climbing a flight of stairs 2 somewhere else..
our 1st time taking a "xiao ba"
see the market r so crowded?
its oni 10+ in e morn..
guess where r we goin?
on our way climbin 2 e highest peak?nahx~ jux 2 find a spot 2c e waves..
im tired so im resting over there..
im not trying 2 attract attention ok?
hehehe.. dar.dar oso wil tired lehx..
busy eating our breakfast..
we'r famished so pardon us 4 not lookin at camera
on e MTR down to somewhere..
wow~ e whole road is mine..i dun have 2b scare even if it is green lights?
our reporter, Miss Veronica Liang..
reporting on e protesting scene in HK..
my sis bght ice cream 2 share wib me..
i oni rem 1 of e flavours is mango..e 1 flavour i 4got le.. =D
think every1 share coins 2 buy this ice cream de..
hohoho~ e ice creams are all mine..
nobody can snatch it frm me..
im hungry..
i wanna start eatin already..
doesnt look v appealing right?
anyway, it dun taste nice either.. =X
dar.dar opening his Gundam clock..think it cost arnd HK$170 bahx?
c how sianx half my face is?
e nite market we went..
dint bght lotsa things except some barangs..aft tat went back 2 our hotel 2 rest early..
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