Somewhat Complete
my extra workload has somewhat complete..
now is the beginning of my own business period..
*sObx*sObx* totally no time 2 rest at all! :(
but im secretly lookin 4ward 2 my nx mth's pay.. ;D
which is another 11days more 2 go only~!
anyway, followin includes photo taken on :
e day zhen rebonded her hair last last Fri, 25th Jan;
our reunion dinner last Fri, 1st Feb;
& zhen collected her Tequila last Sat, 2nd Feb.
*thanks 2 her! i've got free ride arnd SG!
heheheh~ and also im able 2 mail out LOTSA spree loots!
read on to find out.. ;)
25th Jan 2008 [Friday]
met up after our work at AMK..
went 2 da bao our dinner @ walk 2 lisa's hse..
1st time! we had dinner with lisa's bf..
and also 1st time! we had dinner on the floor..
hahahaha~ ;x inside joke lahx..
magnets which i adore..
was helpin me crush biscuits as well..
e smell is heavenly!
end up, there's uninvited guest behind me..
LOL! but jux nice yeahx?
& lisa being "covered" by zhen..
mux flatten it tightly w/o air..
PS: we're makin 2 instead of 1 cheesecake.
mix until my arm muscle gonna surface!
j/k! i mean wil surface after afew tries.. ;x
can c the difference right?
but sadly.. the cheese was too "soft"
maybe bcux i changed the recipe to pudding instead of jelly..
is Jelly & Pudding different? ;\
this tomato is really big okie?
like as big as my palm excluding fingers..
and its this guy's brand..
Brian Aragon!
looks abit like EDC horx?
which *he said is a SHE!
& i've got a Rubik's Cube!
except that it is 2x2 and not 3x3..
taken in Concourse lift..
love that mirror wall so muchy!
its original flavour..
toto slpn with me..
look at his smiley face?
he "seeking coziness" with *him..
i found this!
许留山's menu.. *craving*
so much MANGO!! *drools*
1st Feb 2008 [Friday]
we met up b4 goin down AMK 2gether..
while on e train, cine was talkin abt sth..
"低头丧气" and both me & lisa din realised it wrong..
aft alighting at AMK, got an auntie approach cine..
upon alighting, me & lisa saw cine's face got a "huh" expression..
asked her aft that & thats what she said..
we immediately burst out laughing!
does it mean the auntie was listenin 2 wat we said? o.O
waited 4 e rest 2 arrive..
so we ordered these 2 munch 1st..
its lisa again!
i was in the cubicle & cine nx 2 me..
she was complainin toilet bowl flood..
which i dun believe in the beginning..
den e water started gushin over my side!
:O i was shouting! OMG OMG!
& hurrily tak out camera 2 shoot..
kekekekek~ ;x
i was afraid i cant rem its taken in toilet..
so this shot! ;x
thats our expression 4u! kekekek~
aft that, i acc xiang walk over 2 her kopitiam..
she took her family car & send me home.. ;)
i've got 2 spree's loots 2 settle! =(
2nd Feb 2008 [Saturday]
zhen came over 2 my hse bus stop meet me..
flag a cab & head down Pandan Garden collect car..
on e way, e cabbie was talkin alot of "things"
or rather jokes as he thought..
we're really -.-" half..
its my 1st time "collecting car" so im excited!
so MANY FREAKING CAR there can?
but he din & we're greeted by Shannon..
she briefed us the procedures & show us e car..
askde us 2 check 4 scratches in case..
i was checkin more thoroughly than zhen lohx..
majiam its my car lidat.. hahahaha~
she figuring out e keys 2 use..
we proceed to remove all plastics on the car..
which explains why e car is all open..
den she acc me go Post Office 2 mail out items..
freaking long wait can? =(
looks like MTV anot?
there's wind blowin into our face..
of cux take a pix 4 her lahx..
we arrived at J8 4 lunch..!
not much chance 2c a dark Sakae ehx?
Sakae is stil in darkness..
after our lunch, we went searchin high & low 4 cashcard..
its like all cashcard in 7-11 was sold out! =|
last resort : LIBRARY!
found our savior at the photocopy session..
another impt card 4 her 2 keep le..
(zhen parked her car in car park which requires cashcard..
which means no cash card = no go hm)
she drove me home & byebye~
wOohOo~ Orange White Choco okie? ;p
i seldom receive so much emails over e wkend..
and seems like most emails were sent by *her.. *faint*
on a side note, am meetin my poly mate - mk 4 lunch..
he made 五香 & got extras 4 me lehx.. ;D
nw CNY i've got extra food 2 eat..
PS : 为何我感觉不到新年的气氛呢?
Labels: celebration, dar.dar, memorable day, spree, toto, working life
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