im mad..
im mad..
im mad..
bcux.. i felt so cheated!
hpmh! explain at e end of e post..!
in e meantime,
pix taken ytd r as follow...
i look kinda short over here..
but pix turns out nice..
its gonna b our turn next!
suddenly feel we're so crazie..
esp me & lisa foo!
ytd went down by i oni bght 2..
2 freaking donuts!
but 2 dozens 4 colleagues,
and 2 dozens which is troy's..
which is so freakin unfair right?
help ppl buy but ownself oni 2 donuts?
things bght buy JoJo frm BKK..
its Magnetic Clipper for us worx..
F for Francine,
A for AiMin,
L for Lisa, & of cux
V for ME!
2 eyeliner lover biatch..
hiakx hiakx~ j/k..
i prefer smudged ones thou..
den while waitin 4 troy boy..
we took several scenical pix..
meanin.. there's story behind e pix..
with accomplice JoJo attackin me..
hiding behind me 2 gimme some scare
cause we're so famished..
so w/o informin troy boy, we went KFC!
found a comfortable seats..
placed our winning item (donuts)
and chit-chatted awhile..
b4 takin some pix..
n finally went 2 buy food..
e 2 ladies offer 2 buy 4 me..
while im enjoyin myself cam-whoring..
n hearrt myself more! ;p
its Surf & Turf again! =x
we started eating..
cux lisa complain abt it..
"y our food is right infront & we're not eating?"
eat halfway troy boy appear & chit-chatted..
went off aft awhile.. (i assume <20mins)
havin finished our food,
n weitian is stil not here..
we indulged in some nonsense talk..
(actin rich adults so can ignore these..)
mainly talkin abt CC, branded stuffs..
(which i cldnt out-talk JOJO..
she got so much! while me? NONE!)
LOL! thats why i say can ignore these..
out of nowhere, we cam-whore again.. =x
so who is e winner? ;)
m1 us..!
i oni squeeze inside when they're ready..
while im being neglected.. =(
funny how i love these pix..
our eyes r bigger which wil make us prettier?
isnt it oh so true?
which i love..
cux .....
thats abt it..
got lotsa other pix..
but cldnt upload any further..
my blogger pix storage wil b full soon..
n last nite 1 parcel arrived!
YEAHX~ new bags lohx..
guess which is mine? ;D
Wed nite my sis's bf bght mooncakes..
it from e usual Raffles Hotel..
looks really traditional horx?
doesnt benefit me no matter how nice..
i dun eat mooncakes at all!
cux i dun like lotus paste lahx.. ;)
n let me recall wat happened jux nw..
i was tryin 2 Q for special egg tarts & curry puffs..
watched e HDB Tai Tais 2 on TV last nite..
decided 2 give it a try..
when its my turn aft 20+mins of wait..
that UNCLE's attitude pisssed me of..
(i know i spelled wrongly..
im really pissed so e extra S there)
below is our conversation :
Me : "我要一个巧克力口味的蛋嗒"
Uncle : 巧克力的现在没有了"
(went 2 wipe sth b4 returning 4 my order)
Me : 这样子,我要鸡肉和香菇还有鸡肉跟黑胡椒的"
Uncle :"全部都没有了。只有这些而已"
(while pointing to the glass cabinet beside)
Me :"那我可以先 order ,等做好了才拿吗?"
Uncle :"要等做好了才可以 order。现在不可以 order"
(which means that 20+mins of waitin goes down e drain..
cux i cldnt even ORDER 1st!!)
freaking cheating shop..
make ppl wait so long & CANT PRE-ORDER!
imagine.. if e flavours r all ready liaox..
wldnt it b v stupid 4 ppl 2 queue again?
lidat hafta re-queue 2 buy e egg tarts..
what if when its my turn, n all r OOS again?!
stupid right? (>.<)
shall not name e shop's name here..
those clever ppl shld know which shop im referring..
its F**** D****** at Tanjong Pagar Plaza..
such service attitude shldnt even b found in SG..
what if its a foreign tourist?
how wld their impression be?
n Old Chang Kee's curry puff!
since they wont use such attitude 2 serve me..
and i dun have to wait 20+mins for curry puffs..
plus Old Chang Kee's curry puff oni $1 niax..
wont try THAT SHOP's food again..
simply turned me off completely..
unless got ppl willing 2 Q & buy 4 me! hEe~
Labels: lunch date, spree
WdeulaOig-ga1991 Stuart Coo
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