toto toto toto
every nite, i cant slp completely..
he'll try new stunts every nite..
b it "knockin" on my door,
or whinning like no tomorrow,
best stil, got my mama 2 open e door..
i wil b disturbed by him..
esp he likes 2 wake me up b4 he go out..
by steppin on my legs/stomach! =(
naughty naughty toto~
last nite 4got 2 snap it..
i was already aslp..
but subconsciously open e door..
let toto came in & slp..
somehow i rem my mama came in..
n say sth like, "原来你在这边跟姐姐睡啊!"
which means she mux b lookin 4 toto..
n my mama asked me what i want 4 bf 2dae..
den i replied her, "tuna bread"
that is wat i got 2dae..
last Sat was a happy happy day..
cux i nv went out! hiakx~
was busy watchin Devil's Disciple..
rushing 22 episodes like hell! (finished last 4eps ytd nite)
e v doting+caring+understandin dar.dar bght dinner 4 me..
i was havin cramp in e aftn mahx.. =\
cux dinner was early,
dar.dar was hungry arnd 8+pm..
demanded 2 buy ice cream downstairs..
e always v evil me choose this flavour!
freaking hell.. sinful x 10!
i oni ate arnd 15 mouthfuls? n stop..
dar.dar was complaining..
say i choose this flavour,
n yet duwan help him 2 finish it..
thats why i said EVIL!
but it can b abit too sweet~
morn woke up saw my sis checkin out cammy..
i stil prefer Nikon no matter what..
(min~ i support Nikon worx ;))
althou Nikon dun have Optical Zoom >3
notice that it is 7x zoom worx..
i asked her why need 2 zoom so much?
she said can use in concert..
-.-" how many concert wld i go in a yr? lolx..
her bf bght it b4 tellin her..
when she's stil in e midst of considering..
hahah~ in e end no choice..
i stil prefer Nikon lahx..
at least e joystick got short-cuts
4GB SD + tripod stand + lens cleaner + screen protector
+ extra Flash Light + Camera accessories + Card Reader
+ Sim Card Reader? + Timberland Haversack?
whole set all Exilim siax.. *faint*
last nite my sis returned with 2 CDs..
(cux her mag co. got free CDs 2 review)
so i get 2 listen 2 those CDs as well..
of cux, she brings bac Edison's latest album!
althou i haven got chance 2 listen..
stil, i guess he put lotsa effort into it..
e sky looks so damn dark right?
really feel like slpin sumore lahx..
too bad.. gotta woOoorRrkKk~!
okie~ i think JoJo shld b comin back soon..
cant wait 2 meet up my m1 mates..
its been a LllOoooNnnGggg time..
kekek.. part of it cux i MIA.. =x
gotta demand lotsa pix pix time worx..
Labels: introduction, memorable day, toto
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