an exquisite one..
i noticed a v normal usual simple woman..
saw her wearin a over-sized tunic,
n paired with a aerobics calf-length tights!
whats more weird is that she was wearin a slip-ons..
call that special/unique/weird/abnormal as u like..
but there's definitely sth unusual abt her..
which i din noticed when i jux saw her.
as she stand closer 2 me,
i've got chance 2 tak a peek at it..
wOw! indeed a pretty piece..
semi circled glass covered clock face..
it caught my eyes & mak me keep looking..
(of cux, takin quick glance everytime)
what im sayin right here is a WATCH!
an exquisite time-piece.. ;)
a "LOCMAN" sounds unbranded 2 me..
but when i googled it jux nw,
it came bac with lotsa article..
finally came e price --- US$ 1542.00!!
WOW x 1000!!
did a rough calculation..
in SGD wld b $2467!
OMG x 2346438749832!
okie~ enough of these intro..
let me present 2 u guys e watch i saw..
- take a deep breath 1st -

but this is e piece i saw..

wldnt it cost even more?

nw u know there's 1 more branded watch..
which is call LOCMAN!
remember it!
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