my 1st, my 1st, my 1st!!
it arrived at my place last night..
was quite interested 2 read it at 1st..
but tot of completing my HK album 1st..
so, haven got chance 2 read it yet..
so, haven got chance 2 read it yet..
its 2 get ready 4 either Friends/TW trip..
haven decide 2 start which one 1st..
or mayb i can try doin both at e same time?
or mayb i can try doin both at e same time?
cost me freaking $60 for this album ALONE!
did it within 2hrs?
which explains e simple design..
n while watchin ytd Channel 8's 9pm drama.
did any1 notice e keychain which Fann Wong kept?
i got an identical keychain as well..
in a set which i bght it in HK.. =D
Xiang &
i got a company back this time..
tempted by Xiang 2 try it out lahx..
anyway, its jux $1 each..
(we 3 fork out $1 each 2 buy)
if we win, we'll split e winnings!!
of cux cannot show e numbers..
ltr really win how?
every1 come n hunt me down..
i think i nv tell any1 abt it..
last Sun's 4d top prize..
doubt any1 wil know lahx..
except my family + dar.dar norx..
cux e 1st prize is e no. on my buffet receipt!!!
and my papa went 2 buy e no.
BUT, he rem e last 2 digit wrongly lahx..
meaning eg is 2306,
he buy 2360 lohx..
and he nv buy all 24 combinations..
we let slip a chance 2 strike 4D!!
seems like my bdae is really lucky yehx?
psst psst~
i stil haven got e mood 2 blog abt my bdae..
so much pix that i duno which ones 2 blog..
i've got 3 cameras takin pix..
n i haven browse thru ALL of them yet..
which means no bdae updates 2dae..
Labels: lunch date, memorable day, scrapbook freak, spree
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