did i ever mention my whole family are animal-lovers?
we've had lotsa animals as pets before..
so much so that i've already lost count of some..
let me try 2 recall some of them:
1. tortise (we've got 4)
we stopped rearing them when i was in pri sch?
we release them into e ponds in Bishan Park
2. fish (lots & lots of them)
some died off.. some given away..
all taken care of by my dad..
in e past he used 2 brin me & sis go Bishan Park..
not fishing by e pond worx..
is catchin fishes using nets in e big big drain
3. hamsters (we got mummy & bbies)
2 of which is Snoopy & Garfield
Snoopy belongs 2 my sis
and Garfield belongs 2 me.
4. rabbits (alot alot.. and we even brin up 7 bbies)
1 of e rabbits among all is e most memorable..
bcux she's e longest pet i've ever had.
its call Bunny.
she died of tumour in body
and partly she's old already.. 8yrs..
pass away when i was 12yrs old.
5. cat (i cant rem e exact amt)
also when i was stil young..
my mama gave them away too..
6. 2 dogs (including toto)
e other 1 is named YongYong..
when i was still in Kindergarden?
i stil rem we feed YongYong with bah gua
7. birds (diff breed of it)
e most painful memory i have is..
1 of e bird was bitten head off by my cat..
that was a really gruesome sight..
happened when i was young too..
8. dwarf hamsters
given by my classmates..
i cant recall how it died off le..
9. .....
anyway, i think out of point already..
i jux wanna say i got a animal lover family..
last Fri acc my mama down 2 feed cats..
which she wil do it every night b4 she slp w/o fail
she's a mama worx..
jux give birth to 4 kitten..
cldnt tak pix of e kittens,
as they were hidden in e grass..
my mama call him "black nose"
as in "hei bi zi"
bcux he's got a black patch on his nose..
easily recognized bahx?
cats are as loyal as dogs..
these cats always stay arnd e blk..
and they recognize my mama's voice..
they'll appear when my mama calls out 2 them..
isnt it v loyal of them?
on 1 of e days i rched hm early..
was able 2 watch Channel U's 6pm drama..
dun really know much abt e story..
but its really LONG~
over 100 episodes already..
and it so happen that 2 girls were fighting..
it seems that they'll always attack HAIR 1st!!
esp those with LONGER girl..
*omg~ xiang & lisa better b careful*
so nx time wanna fight,
better have a haircut 1st yo~
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