in the end...
i stil succumb to temptation..
and i bght myself a unique heart necklace..
consider cheap if compare 2 local F21 store necklace..
sumore there's a 15% discount!
*tryin 2 console myself 4 spendin $$ again*
anyway, below is e necklace i bght..
and i bght myself a unique heart necklace..
consider cheap if compare 2 local F21 store necklace..
sumore there's a 15% discount!
*tryin 2 console myself 4 spendin $$ again*
anyway, below is e necklace i bght..

i choose RED!
cux heart is suppose 2b red what?
thou it looks simple over here..
but in act. fact, its v preeetttyyyyy~
i saw this pix showin over Earring section.
imm. took a liking on e necklace le~
and it only cost me $11 (shippin + CGW charges)
hehehe.. gd buy horx?
im stil craving 4 another WetSeal spree..
was informed my 2 WetSeal tops have arrived..
but meetup at Town tml btw 10-12noon!
freakin hell.. so early arhx!!
so i opt 4 registered postage instead..
including e 2 WetSeal tops,
i've got 6 new tops!
and that doesnt include e followin :
2 Aeropostale top (1 tee + 1 polo)
1 F21 short sleeve button shirt
1 F21 Medallion Necklace
1 F21 Heart Pendant Necklace
i seriously gotta stop spree-ing..
let me recall what i've bght recently..
2 tops from FOX (1 polo + 1 shirt)
1 levis skinny jeans (model 580)
1 eBase black capri shorts
1 reversible belt from Giordano
3 new bra (paid 4 2 as 1 is Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
1 racer back from MNG
3 tops from TW (all 3 long sleeve)
2 tops from WetSeal (tunic top)
2 tops from Aeropostale (1 tee + 1 polo)
1 F21 short sleeve shirt
2 F21 necklace
hMmm~ gotta go type email le..
need 2 send warnin out 2 those who nv send in report..
gonna be a bad person again..
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