Ugh~ so lousy!!
tis is e 2nd time im typing tis post lorx..
e previous entry was gone in a i-have-no-idea-wat-happen manner
oni e blogspot IE was closed..
e rest was spared!! *luckily
aniway i was sayin i din have a gd slp ytd nite..
all due to my small lil' lamp being burnt..
yeahx.. it even melted e external plastic lorx..
with a "chao tah" smell stil lingering in e air ytd nite

so i guess im was pretty fortunte 2 discover it

so i guess im was pretty fortunte 2 discover it
b4 it burnt up my whole bedroom? ha ha
and so i did manage 2 get some wink
but oni for 4hrs..
cux i woke up at 6am and cant slp at all..
oni aft 8am did i doze off again..
but i doze off wib a pretty scene in my mind..
hahaha.. i went 2 use com for e 2hrs duration.. =X
went 2 search abt 鄭嘉穎 and 周麗淇 lorx..
oni aft i was watched e 翡翠戀曲 drama
which is being shown over Channel 55
every wkdays from 10-1130pm..
its goin 2 end soon le..
i promise i wil miss *u
lolx.. lame
nahx~ i find e 2 of them make a great couple lorx..

see.. i dint bluff u rite?
they did make a great couple horx?

e above 2 pix i took it from some1 else webby..

see.. i dint bluff u rite?
they did make a great couple horx?

e above 2 pix i took it from some1 else webby..
but i dint rem e url *oOopx
so i cant provide credits 4 it lahx..
and horx.. i even found out e 2 of them took wedding shots b4!!
so i cant provide credits 4 it lahx..
and horx.. i even found out e 2 of them took wedding shots b4!!
omg omg~ im so envious of e ger ok?
cux i find 鄭嘉穎 v charming..
he gimme a feeling tat he'll make a gd hubby
lolx.. im bein lame again..
ermx.. but he's too old 2b my hubby lahx.. =P
okok~ im goin 2 post some weddin shots which they took..
can view more from this webby

i personally like tis shot alot..
cux it looks diff from e usual weddin shots..
look at wat Kevin is wearing..
a denim material pants and no those usual type..

i find this shot special..

i find this shot special..
see e heart shape background anot?
look so romantic lehx..

look so romantic lehx..

nw nw.. i duno y i choose this shot..
ermx.. jux find it diff bahx? =D

OooHhH~ another romantic shot..
they'r sitting on a ... carriage?

AAAHHHH~ i love it!!
see how fortunate they look?
see how fortunate they look?
seems like real wedding shots horx?

i choose this shot bcux it shows e ger's full length hair..
oh man~ i really envy e ger liaox..
oh man~ i really envy e ger liaox..
althou i discover tat 鄭嘉穎 got chest-hair
BUT i alady abandon e tot le..
cux he is simply so Prince Charming 2 me..
oh no~ tis entry better dun let my bf c..
eHhhx~ lets change topic..
ytd nite my sis bf came over..
and.. he changed hp le!!
its e newly launched Nokia slide up phone..
my sis is changing too~
bcum couple couple phone horx?
its 2 mega pixel cam nehx..
lets cc e pix taken wib e cam bahx..

ok~ tis pix wasnt taken v nicely..

ok~ tis pix wasnt taken v nicely..
tats y its kinda blur..

yeahx~ tis is much better le..
nw.. izzit worth e money?
Hee~ shall end my post here le..
wanna go bath n play game
or mayb tak a nap?
since 2nite e toilet gers r cumin over..
yeahx yeahx~ a overnite session worx..
duno whether can play mahjong anot?
cux min say she tired..
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