ok i finally have sth interesting un-interesting experience 2 share
and it happened jux last nite ... b4 i went 2 slp
as usual, i watched TV until 1am
walked into my room,
and i hear some sorta "shuffling" sound from my bookcase area
i turn over 2c jux in time an "intruder" leaving
guess wat "intruder" tat is?
i imm. on e lights and c e lizard crawling on e wall..
right below e windows..
i was hoping in my heart tat it jux crawl right outta windows,
and spare me further "exercises" (playin hide n seek)
i jux shouted 4 my mum..
i jux shouted 4 my mum..
ask her 2 help me get rid of it..
well naturally, toto follow my mum inside too.
jux as my mum was abt 2 catch e lizard inside a plastic container,
toto go "ka jiao" my mum and let e lizard slip away!!
by then, my heart was racing inside
if e lizard is stil hangin inside my rm, i wld rather slp in e living rm than slp in e same rm wib e lizard lorx. =(
so i catch toto and left my mum inside my rm 2 search 4 it
so i catch toto and left my mum inside my rm 2 search 4 it
aft arnd 10-15mins, i lock toto inside his plastic cage,
put it right outside my rm ( so as 2 let him c )
den aft searchin high n low arnd my bed area,
my mum stil cant locate where e lizard is,
so she decide 2 give up!!
omg~ no no
when my mum step outta my rm,
im stil jittery abt steppin inside my rm, wonderin where e lizard is..
i pull e side of my table out and push it in again
(thinking e lizard might hide arnd there)
(thinking e lizard might hide arnd there)
AND to my surprise, it really is hidin there..
cux it jux crawl up e wall 2wards another side of e windows..
i shouted 2 my mum again..
"quick quick.. e lizard there.."
who knows, e lizard suddenly drop onto e floor and MISSING again
tis time, im sure its right under my lower deck bed
so my mum pull out my lower deck bed..
jump on it..
AHA! e lizard got scare and crawl on e floor 2wards a nearest wall
Ultimately, arnd 25mins of chasin e lizard,
it crawl outta windows liaox
tis time rnd, i mux shut my windows tight
no more chance 4 bugs or insects or LIZARDs 2 invade my rm again!
seriously, i really hate it..
i duwan 2 take e risk of havin a lizard dropping on my face
in e middle of e nite or a lizard crawlin on my skin..
i mean, u imagine lahx..
those 4 cold sticky feets crawlin on ur skin,
how wld it feels?
i duwan lorx
it really frightens me alot at the thought of it
i oni manage 2 zZz soundly at 3+am

i oni manage 2 zZz soundly at 3+am

i guess i din get e job of redemption counter recep..
cux up till nw.. aft numerous times of loggin in n outta my a/c
there's stil no inbox
i'll b devasted if i cant get tis job..
i'll b devasted if i cant get tis job..
i'll b v down.. so
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