Long entry.. read on only if interested.
i jux finish watchin 再說一次 我愛你
Long entry.. read on only if interested.
i jux finish watchin 再說一次 我愛你
starring 劉德華, 楊采妮 and 蔡卓妍
i noe its an old film
but jux got it from my sis's bf mahx
plus since im free, so jux watch it 2 kill time.
e story is super draggy
toking abt Andy Lau whu lost his wife in a car accident
meeting another ger whu got e heart transplant 6 yrs ltr
ermx, overall its oni e last few mins of e movie tat is touching
rest of e time, im engrossed at lookin andy's expression
i cant deny, he stil look so handsome althou he's so old le =X
aniway, tml wil continue watchin HIS another movie,
Wait Till You Are Older
ani1 want e movie? kekek can ask me send u.. =P

ytd nite while watchin Channel U's SuperBand,
my sis told me sth abt "George Tan"
and i imm. tot of e Joy Doggy's owner lorx.. -.-"
she told me, "2dae's newspaper got article abt him.."
i imm. went 2 fetch 2dae's newspaper 2 read
true as it is, there's a article indirectly related 2 him..
here it goes, (article taken from 17th Apr 2006 The Straits Times)
Virus kills 3 pups - pet shop fined
New ownders blame shop for not vaccinating puppies before selling them, as required under AVA rules
Three puppies from the same pet shop fell ill and died from a canine virus after they were taken home by their new owners.
Both the owners complained to the Agri-food and Veterinary Authority (AVA).
Their beef: The pet shop did not vaccinate the dogs -- an AVA regulation -- before selling them and this led to the dogs' deaths.
Joy Doyy Pet Shop in Upper Thomson Road, which sold all three dogs, was fined $100 by the AVA.
Businesswoman Sandy Tan -- whose two-month old British bulldog died -- is also filling a complaint with the Small Claims Tribunals today to claim back the money she spend on the dog.
Miss Tan, 31, said: "The pet shop should have vaccinated the dog before selling it to us. It could have at least prevented it from getting the virus. As a first-time owner, I did not know how lethal the virus could be."
Her dog was brought home from the shop on March 22 and hospitalised at the Animal Recovery Veterinary Center (ARVC) the next day. It died a week later of Parvovirus.
This is a canine viral disease which affects puppies more than dogs. The virus, transmitted through the faeces of infected dogs, causes severe bloody diarrhoea and vomitting. It also suppresses the dog's immune system and attacks its heart muscle, causing death.
The other owner, who did not want to be named, bought a poodle puppy on Feb 18 from the same shop. After she took the dog home, it started vomitting and had severe diarrhoea. It was rushed to the ARVC, where it died on Feb 20.
She was offered a replacement dog, also a poodle, by the pet shop. However, she was later told that it had fallen ill with the same symptoms and died before she could even take it home.
She was offered a third poodle, which she picked up on Mar 24, but that one also fell ill. It died three days later.
The owner said she did not want to be named because she was trying to get back the money from the pet shop.
Joy Doggy's owner George Tan has offered to compensate the owners for their loss through negotiations with his lawyers.
But Miss Tan said: "It is not just about the money. I am angry that my dog would not have been in this state if he had done the right thing. "
New ownders blame shop for not vaccinating puppies before selling them, as required under AVA rules
Three puppies from the same pet shop fell ill and died from a canine virus after they were taken home by their new owners.
Both the owners complained to the Agri-food and Veterinary Authority (AVA).
Their beef: The pet shop did not vaccinate the dogs -- an AVA regulation -- before selling them and this led to the dogs' deaths.
Joy Doyy Pet Shop in Upper Thomson Road, which sold all three dogs, was fined $100 by the AVA.
Businesswoman Sandy Tan -- whose two-month old British bulldog died -- is also filling a complaint with the Small Claims Tribunals today to claim back the money she spend on the dog.
Miss Tan, 31, said: "The pet shop should have vaccinated the dog before selling it to us. It could have at least prevented it from getting the virus. As a first-time owner, I did not know how lethal the virus could be."
Her dog was brought home from the shop on March 22 and hospitalised at the Animal Recovery Veterinary Center (ARVC) the next day. It died a week later of Parvovirus.
This is a canine viral disease which affects puppies more than dogs. The virus, transmitted through the faeces of infected dogs, causes severe bloody diarrhoea and vomitting. It also suppresses the dog's immune system and attacks its heart muscle, causing death.
The other owner, who did not want to be named, bought a poodle puppy on Feb 18 from the same shop. After she took the dog home, it started vomitting and had severe diarrhoea. It was rushed to the ARVC, where it died on Feb 20.
She was offered a replacement dog, also a poodle, by the pet shop. However, she was later told that it had fallen ill with the same symptoms and died before she could even take it home.
She was offered a third poodle, which she picked up on Mar 24, but that one also fell ill. It died three days later.
The owner said she did not want to be named because she was trying to get back the money from the pet shop.
Joy Doggy's owner George Tan has offered to compensate the owners for their loss through negotiations with his lawyers.
But Miss Tan said: "It is not just about the money. I am angry that my dog would not have been in this state if he had done the right thing. "
Her complaint to the AVA resulted in the pet shop being fined $100.
The AVA said repeat offenders can be fined up to $1000, be charged in court or have their licences suspended or revoked.
The bug can be transmitted to a dog through contaminated shoes, hands and car tyres. It can stay active for up to nine monthes if the contaminated area is not flushed with bleach. The virus incubates in an infected dog for sever to 14 days before symptoms show.
Mr Tan confirmed the dogs came from his shop, but refused to take the blame for their deaths.
He said: "The dogs were okay in my shop, but when the owners took them home, they died. If the dogs were unwell, why did they buy them? They are the ones insisted on taking the dogs home without their vaccinations. Maybe the virus was from their homes."
Rejecting his argument, Miss Tan said he "should have known better" sonce he had breached a pet-shop licensing regulation.
But Mr Eric Lim, owner of Ericsson Pet Farm, pointed out that Parvovirus can also hit vaccinated dog, especially one that is going through stress, such as when it is being moved to a new environment.

oh man~ sad news rite?
The AVA said repeat offenders can be fined up to $1000, be charged in court or have their licences suspended or revoked.
The bug can be transmitted to a dog through contaminated shoes, hands and car tyres. It can stay active for up to nine monthes if the contaminated area is not flushed with bleach. The virus incubates in an infected dog for sever to 14 days before symptoms show.
Mr Tan confirmed the dogs came from his shop, but refused to take the blame for their deaths.
He said: "The dogs were okay in my shop, but when the owners took them home, they died. If the dogs were unwell, why did they buy them? They are the ones insisted on taking the dogs home without their vaccinations. Maybe the virus was from their homes."
Rejecting his argument, Miss Tan said he "should have known better" sonce he had breached a pet-shop licensing regulation.
But Mr Eric Lim, owner of Ericsson Pet Farm, pointed out that Parvovirus can also hit vaccinated dog, especially one that is going through stress, such as when it is being moved to a new environment.

oh man~ sad news rite?
good tat i quit early..
and lucky tat during e period which i worked,
e dogs sold did not got mention in this article.
i felt sad 4 the british bulldog,
because i've seen e dog at e pet shop when i work.
it looked kinda sick and was down with flu.
one of my colleague even brought it home 2 "make him more energetic"
cux he ate v little and wasnt v active mahx.
another fortunate thing is, e husky wasnt mention too!
hEe =X
i look down on his way of sayin ( refer to 3rd last paragraph)
sound so irresponsible horx? =(
pity those pups
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