Attn francine low.. ur frame is ready 4 collection
pls arrange a time wib my secretary 2 cum down and collect it.
*bleahx jux kiddin lahx..
got nuttin better 2 do ehx? =P
aniway, here's a look at how cine's frame gonna look like..

e hearts at e bottom right, some r pop-up de worx..
hEe~ 4 e last 3 days,
i've been turnin in at an odd hr or 2 or 3am
all bcux aft 12+am im stil v awake
so i'll went 2 do art n craft lorx
ended up finishin e frame in 1 or 1 n a half hrs
i've done extra ones 2 send out 4 my sec sch frenx..
give them a surprise.. hehe
and.. i need 2b serious nw..
jux nw when i was cleanin my rm,
i accidentally topped over a photo frame
its not those tat i made,
it is e 1 which cine n joey gave me as bdae pressy

c tat large crack at e lower left hand side?

i bet u cant c clearly, so i took another close up pix
im so sad ok?
barely 1 yr and i broke e glass le..
sumhow i had an omen tat sth bad gonna happen..
when i was wiping my study table,
and tadah! it really happened!
and i did nuttin 2 stop it
blame it on my retarded-ness bahx..
im gonna re-do new frame 2 store my rest of e photos..
and im goin 2 stop using e frame which my classmates gave me on my hse warming too!
cux im afraid 2 broke it.. Ugh~
i've oways been v careful and yet it stil lidat..

ok~ this was taken ytd nite while watchin TV
toto restin on e sofa wib me n my sis..
c behind toto.. tats my sis readin newspaper
and e leg.. of cux its mine! hahah
toto look kinda off rite? =X
nw nw.. its foody time!!
i got sth delicious 2 recommend every1..
is recommended by my sis
kekeke~ suitable 4 all ppl..

aha~ its maggi mee BUT

its herbal chicky flavour!!
e soup is v nice BUT e mee is tasteless
dun scold me lahx..
i really find e soup v tasty tats y i intro u all mahx..
kekeke.. if u got high blood pressure family members at hm,
do let them try tis..
cux its herbal and yet not so much MSG???
oh yeahx~ nearly 4got 2 mention tis..
my mum have collected my Me 2 You bear from e laundry
it smells so nice orh!!

naked him..
does he look slimmer?
does he look slimmer?

aft i've put on e clothes 4 him..
looks better rite?
looks better rite?

AaahhHh~ i can welcome him 2 slp on my bed again..
i dun mean last time i dun welcome him..
its jux tat last time he's so dirty mahx..
hMmm~ not gonna mention here..
okok~ gotta sign off le..
wanna go bath n play game le..
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