aahh im finally free 2 blog le..
pass few days been working lorx..
but is those low-paid sort of work.. -.-"
jux ytd alone.. i earn $28 ONLY!
but i was out for a whole 7 or 8+hrs lorx..
supposed 2 meet *him n py at 1130am..
but i took 130 down to tg pagar,
and i lost my way cux i alighted at e wrong stop! ha ha
aniway i saw a MRT sign so i follow e sign direction and walk..
manage 2 rch TG Pagar station eventually..
waited awhile b4 *he appear
*he drove us 2 suntec nx
and told us tat act. we'r suppose 2 start work from 4-8pm
BUT wth!! we rched suntec at 12+pm lorx..
he dumped e 3k flyers 2 us and went off liaox..
so we hafta carry e 3k flyers wib us..
went 4 lunch at MS Han's
we stoned there for an hr plus
cux part of e time i went toilet bian bian. lol
we each had a fish n chips set meal.
really sianx half.
cux we even tot of goin shoppin or window shoppin
however, we hafta carry those flyers wib us..
muscle wil cramp lorx. (>.<)
tink we combed e whole of MS b4 goin over 2 Suntec,
follow by Peninsula Plaze
stupid of us arhx!!
started work at 3+pm and we end at 7pm
asked *him 2 pay us $30
but he transferred $56(mine n py's pay) oni
e $2 oso wanna "gey gao" lorx..
this type of ppl i duwan help *him animore
so for e nx few promo, im not gonna help *him le
$$ really hard 2 earn arhx..

Sun went Tamp 2 work 4 m1

Sun went Tamp 2 work 4 m1
at least tis is much better than e previous one..
thou was stationed at Guardian,
but its sort of a redemption type..
Because 4 every $20 spend,
e customer can redeem a $8 worth of M Card..
and i befriend some nice HP Dealers as well..
haha~ worked from 12-9pm
and even got a free ride hm BY 1 of e hp dealer
hehe.. not by my in-charge lorx.. -.-"
jux 2dae alone i earned $63 lehx.. so happy..

eHhhx.. total up 2 days i earn arnd $100 le bahx?
aniway, i've earned enuff 2 spend in HK le..
alady tot of wat 2 buy over there.
im gonna buy HK drama serial back..
missed my idols so much..
no matter wat, im gonna keep their drama..
hahaha.. cine taught me a way 2 keep e vcds..
=D happy happy nehx..

ytd nite rched hm at 8:30pm
lucky asked my sis 2 record down e Superband 4 me..
e last episode of Hard Fate i oso record down..
bcux YongSi die.. i felt so sad 4 JiaMing..
for 6yrs, he din even re-marry lorx..
every yr on YongSi's death anniversary,
he wil spare time out 2 clean her tomb..
and bring her stuffs..
sumtimes e 1 tat u hope 2b with,
wil not oways turn out 2b ur ultimate husband
i guess tats true bahx?
was on e phone ytd nite wib Kelly..
and she told me abt her fren's prob..
sound really scary 2 have such in-laws..
*shake head*
but guess i'll nv have such prob..
cux i'll nv get 2c my bf's parents mahx..
and dun tink his parents wil ever noe tat he got a gf
*roll eyes*
his behaviour oways let me feel tat,
he duwan 2 intro me 2 his parents..
so y shld i force him 2 intro?
haiya.. wth!! y am i complaining again..
aniway its not e 1st time already..
oth ppl 2gether less than 1yr..
both side parents noe of each oth le..
whereas my case lehx?
i have only 1 word 4 him..
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