let me do some update 1st..
least ppl c e same entry everyday..
wOohOo~ ic a slight increase of visitors..
which is a good news 4 me!
thanks 2 those who's willing 2 visit here..
make it not so 冷清.. ;D
2dae, tml & sun r ALL celebrations!
2dae : dar.dar @ Bugis Aji-Tei
tml : JoJo @ Suntec Sizzler
sun : NaNa j/k! my sis, diana..
so nx wk wil have lotsa pix up..
kekek~ jux 2 get u guys prepared 1st..
else nx Mon my blog loads v slow,
u guys wil know why le behx? ;p
come 2 think of me..
my Mon-Wed r spent constantly goin out..
Mon went out 2 order cake
Tue went out 2 collect cameras
Wed went out 2 pass loots 2 spree-ers..
im suppose 2b at hm restin right? :(
mama said im not earnin anything frm spress,
yet i hafta do this & that 4 ppl.. WHY?!
reason is v simple.. i like helpin ppl mahx..
hahahah~ ;x partly 2 accumulate +ve FBs..
i wanna register b organiser in _spreee/sgspree!
which i guess they'll set a criteria..
hafta have some reliablity (+ve FBs) 2 register..
so.. im tryin my v best in organising nw..
dun keep bearin e thoughts that i got earn $$ can?
i earn not a single cent! but im sloggin myself..
meetup here & there not fun horx.. :\
lets snap out of e complaints!
read on 4 pix pix & updates..
so pretty! esp e eye-lashes..
oopx! accidentally saw e fake lashy ;x
thx 2 khloe, we've got free film! ;)
user manual included too!
so no worries of ???? lohx..
fix up my hol-ka & CSFlash!
included 120mm film inside too!
toto is my 1st model 2b snapped worx..
e flash is v strong i tell u..
toto blink whenever i snap.. ;x
so he jux lazed on e sofa 4 us 2 snap.
heheh~ cute cute toto horx? ;p
packed everything 4 e meetup..
notice toto came 2 凑热闹 again?
havin came bac 2 work ytd..
and its my 1st biz day too! *boo!
busy bee like hell.. :(
nevertheless, i bght Grilled Fish 2 eat!
muahahhaahh~ ;x
even finish up e bread my mama make..
lets c if i shed any weight durin this 1wk mc?
its 47kg!! :O
BUT! that was b4 my dinner..
aft dinner, i assume it went bac 47.5kg..
no 46.5 or 46kg 4 me aft 1wk mc..
which means im eatin gd & slpin gd.. ;D
while sms-in dar.dar abt 2nite's plan..
Veronica: can mak it bac Amk in time? e thai boxin movie at 950pm
dar.dar: I tink can. But dun tink u will like the movie leh
Veronica: u dun think? u scare i learn e boxin stunts & use it on u bahx? lolx~
dar.dar: Later u cannot balance and topple
Veronica: huh? wat balance? im short so e balance part u dun have 2 worry..
dar.dar: Small feet wat
Veronica: i think God is v fair 2 me.. being ignorant is a blessing.. i tak it as i nv c ur last msg..
yes.. yet again movies horx?
i went Cathay bk tix & chanced upon these..
how cute is that?
guess its only worth watchin on Mon-Wed..
other prices of tix wil not v worth it.
its cartoon & not my usual fave kinda movie..
still.. wanna show u all mahx.. ;)
OMG! its finally here!
jux like wat i expected mths ago!
did any1 suddenly rem my bloody tooth? ;x
im so gonna watch it NO MATTER WHAT!
nothings gonna stop me..~
e tooth i extracted out..
muahahahahh~ ^v^
thats wat i mention..
bloody tooth = Saw Movie!
get it? get it?
starring my fave female actress..
Jennifer Garner!!
she's 1 of my fave..
aft watchin her Elektra?
she fight damn nice!
followin 2movies is not a MUST 4 me, at least..
like durin my trip there this yr..
saw it at e back of a movie tram ehx..
thats y i tot of watchin it.. =)
dun need i promote..
most of u shld have seen this poster..
sumwhere right? jux sumwhere u saw it..
do u remember where?
let me refresh ur memory!
not sure others got anot..
but i CFM + CHOP CHOP tanjong pagar got..
im like seein this poster whenever i go hm..
or when i came 2 work..
its jux located at e right side stairs..
do u remember now? :}
Credits : Cathay
Listening : Jay Latest Album
Labels: dar.dar, lomo, me myself n i, memorable day, movies, spree, toto
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