Neo.Neo - ed
din have time 2 upload pix by pix,
& explain in details so might as well not nw..
posting 2 neo.neo taken last wkend..
1st one is quite a letdown..
took 6 shots & select 4 shots.
but act. all 6 shots arent nice.. :(
chose a new machine over old ones..
end up, i totally duno e functions.. :\
2nd one is more successful..
thou 6 girls squeezin in a machine is quite disastrous.
but we manage 2 squeeze into every shot.
muahahahahah~ ;x
can c sum faces r "squeezed"
SO, have decided 2 attempt once more!
told dar.dar we're goin bac 2 tak again..
this time rnd, im gona make sure its SUCCESSFUL! ;D
there're more interesting pose..
hehehe~ wil try it again..
thou e outcome is quite nice..
we're busy squarting & standin siax..
if u look closely enough,
u'll realise these 2 neo.neo got a similarity..
jux like what cine pointed out last Sat..
muahahahahahah~ ;)
its my style okie? ;p
2dae aft work goin 2 remove stitches..
*scary* duno wil pain anot? :s
Dec gonna bk appt 4 洗牙..
i envy sis's white white teeth..!!
Labels: celebration, memorable day
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