Its Removed!
intend 2 blog bout bdaes last nite..
but i rched hm at 8+pm..
had dinner & rested awhile,
it was 9+pm already..
which i usually need more than 2hrs+ 2 blog..
so.. that explains y i din blog.. ;x
anyway, ytd i went 2 remove stitches!
My Dentist is still as gentle as previously..
i din feel ANYTHING at all!
ok! abit exaggerating..
i did feel some tugging..
not some.. is ONCE..
e rest of e removing r done SPEEDY!
its like his hands move up & down..
up & down & all e stitches r out..
b4 i knew it, its OVER!
furthermore, its FOC lehx..
or was it calculated in 1st payment?
im not sure lahx..
jux glad everything's over..
i've bked appt 4 nx mth lohx..
2b reminded by my sis..
im stil super broke nx mth.. :(
mayb hafta re-schedule appt 2b AFT 15th Dec.
cux 15th is my PAYCHECK day~! wOohOo~
debts 2 pay usin Nov's paycheck :
US loots (paid by my sis 1st) - $180 (rough gauge)
Camera loots (oso paid by my sis 1st) - $100
Insurance - $150 monthly
Allowance - $100 monthly
HP Bill - roughly $32? ;x
Internet Bill - $25
Total : $587!!
and i stil hafta save $500 monthly.. :(
*went 2 make a call 2 dental clinic*
jux nw accessing *her blog..
but another loadin v slow de.. ;x
u know who u r.. i blocked e url le..
so he asked e sum1 2 go closer.. ;D
Mr Dentist say my wounds closed up nicely!
super happy abt it~!
went bac hm & look into e mirror..
e part which he cut open on my gum,
opening was done v straight..
its like using ruler 2 cut open..
so straight can? ;)
get rid of extra stuffs..
Time Check : 7:45pm!
all done within 3mins lohx.. ;O
b4 headin down clinic,
i went down PS 2 collect bdae gifts..
its MWL's 4th bdae!
n they're giving away gift packs..
read e FB ppl gave on e forum..
bein v kpo, i went down 2 collect too!
even tried 1 Missy Donut's donut.
honestly, not worth addin 20cents more..
jux 4 e heart shape, colorful sprinkers & jam inside..
i stil LOVE my Orange White Choco truely, madly, deeply!
its small thou..
was quite surprised! ;x
UGH! SFL members got a better gift!
im so envy lahx!
when wil i upgrade to SFL?!
urge my sis 2 go down collect hers..
fyi, my sis IS a SFL member!
hpmh! im so green with envy can?
if i wanna upgrade to SFL,
i gotta spend MORE at MWL..
which is so NOT worth it lohx..
when im so broke right now..
nvm~ my sis say she'll share with me..
muahahahahhahah~ ;x
im gonna end it with my cleaner tooth!
my v nice mama cleaned it 4 me..
i guess it shldnt look v disgusting nw?
i wanna watch Saw 4
i wanna watch Saw 4
i wanna watch Saw 4
(chanting chanting.. in process)
gonna go check out e movie timing!
Labels: memorable day, scrapbook freak
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