my past few days..
so here it goes..
let e pix tell e story.. ;)
i wonder whats inside? =\
its my Citi Clear card~!
it arrived finally!
card this card that..
but all mux pay usin e Citi Clear..
hMmmm~ its my 1st CC!!
cux i nv ask my sis sup card give me..
muahahahahh~ i doubt she wil anyway.. =x
look at e way he "hold" onto his throw throw?
Sat we whole family go relative's hse..
but b4 that, dar.dar came over earlier..
n.. he sprained his ankle!!
bcux of skating~!
i was gloating over his mishap..
who ask him always go skatin lehx? =p
n e person wrap it up lidat..
seems v pro siax..
dar.dar bring toto go walk walk..
/* yes, my mama suggest bring toto along -.-"
toto likes 2 "chase" birds!!
hiakx hiakx.. thats why dar.dar carry him..
i wil have a feelin like they're v lonely..
need a dog's company thats why..
cux wkdays while walkin hm frm mrt,
i wil c a old man walkin with his dog..
such scene make me believe that,
look at e layers of skin!
OMG~! toto is gettin fatter..
my sis bf drove us go Thomson..
so dar.dar bght 2 more strudels 4 me!
wOohOo~ peachie & apple!
c e 2 diff types of cream?
but how come i got their menu?
all thanks 2 lisa foo lohx..
last Sun suddenly called me..
wanna borrow spare hp frm me..
seems that her bibi's hp go service..
so she came over 2 tak e spare hp..
n brght with her Botak Jones' menu..
she went there 2 eat..
n "kope" their menu 光明正大-ly.
not through-out e nite..
but jux mayb 1-3hrs?
last nite he even went into my rm,
get ready his slpin area & wait 4 me!
when i return aft brushin teeth,
there he was slpin on my bed..
tell me.. isnt this dog clever?
/* i was complainin 2 my mama abt him,
sayin duwan let toto slp with me..
cux middle of e nite hafta close my door..
n toto cleverly sneak into my rm b4 i slp 1st..
beg her 2 acc me go buy perfume..
super desperate~ 2 buy 1 more bottle..
cux im lovin' it liaox..
im talkin abt Escada Sunset Heat..
e replacement 4 my old bottle..
my current fave spray!
i didnt know 1 was medium 1 was large..
hiakx hiakx hiakx~
better anyway, can last me longer!
fruity fruity smell brighten my day!
all thx 2 shihui 4 givin me e perfume..
Labels: dar.dar, everyday life, memorable day, toto
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