random updates
for a super cheap price only lehx..
all bcux dar.dar asked e price, and not ME!
and ppl at Sham Shui Po wont anyhow rise e price.
only cost me a mere HK$25
only cost me a mere HK$25
wakakakak~ i love cheap stuffs lahx.. =p
im stil thinkin where 2 hang it..
im afraid at nite wake up wil b scare 2 hell..
it might look like a head w/o lights bahx?
*pardon my naked/haggard face
pssst~ i got doraemon slpin with me every nite.
and i've oni got a pair of eyes..
how m i gonna finish them?
there's 2 Brand New ones which i bght in HK.
there's 2 Brand New ones which i bght in HK.
currently e 1 i use most frequent is e extreme left one.
dar.dar watching e news attentatively.
toto b4 i went back rm 2 slp..
he always look so sad at nite..
bcux no1 acc him..
n my mama busy doin hsehold chores..
didnt went out 4 lunch..
no khakis & weather downcast..
he always look so sad at nite..
bcux no1 acc him..
n my mama busy doin hsehold chores..
no khakis & weather downcast..
bcux i get 2 meet dar.dar aft work!
sch haven start, so fri no nite class..
gotta enjoy e period of no night class nw..
*i feel my face doesnt look like 21*
n wil b on every wkdays from nw on..
he wil b comin 2 my office EVERYDAY!
so no more late arrival/early dismissal 4 me..
i got 3 photo frames right nw..
1 is with dar.dar & 2 is with toilet girls..
maybe i shld make sumore 2 put..
maybe i shld make sumore 2 put..
lookin at e pix brighten up my day lehx..
lotsa pin-ups arnd my desk..
impt schedules/dates/phone number.
wearin my Coca Cola Zero tee!
plus my Levis Copper jeans!
buyin things with hard-earned $$ r great!
but i wil feel heart-pain lahx..
who doesnt?
- those who spend other's $$ lohx -
but i help them feel heart-pain
im goin back SP ltr..
cux im meetin dar.dar at Dover..
gotta reminisce those memories of takin 74..
n we're dinning at e Mac near NP..
shaker fries shaker fries shaker fries..
Labels: dar.dar, holiday, toto, working life
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