Updates So Far...
mostly jux pix & not so much words..
so i guess this entry i shld type more & show less pix?
Not So Ichi-ban Afterall~
had din din @ AMK Hub Ichiban Sushi last thur..
its only available 4 take-away, which i duno why?
saved it 4 the last (during e movies)
but the chawamushi was a disappointment..
so much air bubbles inside chawamushi..
except after awhile i smell chao tah! ;x
caught Untraceable after din din..
hmmm~ not so thriller or suspense or drama or ...
i duno wat category shld this movie be classified under..
*he said he feels like its NC16 version of SAW.
maybe a tiny bit here & there bahx?
wont recommend u 2 watch it during wkends..
watch it ONLY if you've got nothing better 2 do..
get my hint? *wInKx*
i saw this small article in MyPaper..
whoa! e balloon is goin even hhiiigghhheeerrr?
omgosh~ i got height phobia~
sound so darn scary can? :s
my choice is the 3rd one..
click on pix to enlarge & cc..
Tue - 1 box, Thur - 3 boxes & Sat - 1 box!
WTH?! my aft work hrs r burnt by spree & more sprees! ;(
yet all i get r thank you..
i really felt "hao xin mei hao bao" by 1 incident.. =\
Fri nite turned in late while msn-ing with afew..
(seldom c me online so better msn me when online okie?)
partly oso excited that my sis + bf comin back frm Jap~
i cant wait 2c what they've bght home lohx~
and also, my DING DANG!! ;D
finally, they rched @ around 1:30am..
unpacked alil' & left me feelin super excited..
cux there'r so much ding dang 4 me!
all new items wokie?
bght back extra 2 sell them off.. kekeke~
DING DANG choco bwiscuits
DING DANG crying~ ultra CUTIE~ &
im really becoming DING DANG collector horx?
honestly, only choco ones r better than local..
e rest i seriously dun find they donut-ish at all..
like abit too health conscious?
*scream back an ans*
its like teeny weeny version lohx..
even smaller than my palm siax? !!!!!!!!
when my palm only measures 6.5" in length..
note that im payin some of them..
jap stuffs arent cheap at all..
i wldnt want my sis 2 come back afew K poorer..
know she only got soft toys..
so luckily my sis bght sth diff back.. =)
hope lisa likes it.
tried e new eyeliner from Majolica!
its so glittery CAN?!
my silly sis bght grey instead of black..
and she got no idea at all.. hahaha~
im so amazed by e creation of this eyeliner..
it works like a PEN lohx..
or shld i say PEN-ish brush.. *roll eyes*
i know my smile looks fake over here..
but who can smile naturally when ppl crossin rd r watchin?
LOL! thats us so attention seeking. ;p
Labels: ding dang, dinner treats, holiday, movies, spree
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