Inspired to be "Really Square"
& finally i went "impulsively" to have a haircut.
i wanted 2 walk over 215 there 2 my usual salon..
but i was v lazy.. ;x
den i went downstairs 2 withdraw $$ 4 tml's trip..
spotted a salon stil opening..
wore a new top!
so i was happy! hahaha~
dont play play..
cost me us$22.80 for it.. -.-"
& i was on MC on tue..
"issue" not solved yet..
i was so unhappy~
thur did some netmeeting with colleague..
aft netmeeting, my right side keypad turns to num pad..
cux my colleague was using external keyboard..
gan jiong gan jiong~
i re-start my laptop thinkin it'll be alright..
MAN~~~~ i was so wrong!
only can login to my a/c & e rest bcum "handicapped"
lotus notes, gmail, skype, all cant type.. (>.<)
had to dial in to Internal Helpdesk..
LOL! that guy mux have find me so retarded..
like such a simple issue oso cant solve?
anyway, press Shift + Num Lock wil do e trick. ;D
fast track 2 today..
impulsively cut my hair off..
now it seems Really Square to me..
/*i had wanted 2 share my latest happening..
yet everything turns out unexpectedly..
enjoy doing ur volunteer service..
cux its more impt than meeting me aft 2wks..*\
Labels: gloomy, holiday, jojo, me myself n i
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