ytd checked my hitcounter & found out sth..
need 2 resort 2 googling 4 my blog?
sumore type Veronica Liang blogspot lohx..
these r sth which brightens up my day..
lookin at that referral, a grin form on my face.
she drove me down j8 collect my hi-fi..
even helped me 2 carry it bac 2 her car..
drove me home as well..
but super turned off by SONY!
my remote control was nowhere in sight!
called J8 Sony Gallery Repair Centre..
they say controller was not w them..
most prob is at e svc centre itself.. (-.-")
tested out my hi-fi's new speaker..
everything was alright, except that..
they left e SONY test rom in my disc compartment..
WTH is wrong w them?!
1st my remote control left at svc centre,
den they left their test rom w me?
at that moment, i was thinking if there's FB form..
its definitely 2 NEGATIVE from me lohx..
another guy w specs..
how come harx?
r all Lomo guys short-sighted? ;x
anyway, thats not e main pt..
i walked over 2 NTUC source 4 polky..
AMK Hub polky sellin $0.87 each!
is even cheaper than my hse's nearby mini-mart..
oops! i know my "auntie-ish" side is actin up again..
well, $0.87 x 2 is $1.70 lohx..
i buy frm mini-mart wil cost $2 lehx!
its savin $0.30 can? ;x
okie~ bac 2 my story..
i went 2 source polky & queue up..
duno y NTUC got many ppl at those odd hrs..
like 3+pm? stil alot housewives..
auntie uncle.. ah peh ah ma all come out..
my mama dun go NTUC so late de lehx?
so while queue-ing up, (i found a shorter queue)
den duno y kana "cut-ed" by an old ah soh..
circle in red is that old ah soh lohx..
cut my queue liaox stil gimme e sort of
"im older than u, so u MUST give way 2 me" face
super PISSED off can?
not even a thank u or wat lohx..
face "smelly" until i feel lik im in a public toilet.
stil hafta tak 1 item at a time..
take out 1 item & pass 2 cashier "teh" into e system..
is lik e cashier is handi-capped, cannot tak herself mehx?
freakin sianx by such ah soh lohx..
total amt $31.95 stil ask e cashier rnd up is how much?
pls lohx, ah soh! such calculation oso duno?
y come NTUC slow down other ppl's time?
e lady in turquoise top know ah soh cut queue..
she turn bac & gimme a "i ke lian u" face..
i always got a mentality..
whenever im alone walkin or wat,
& there'll definitely by ppl walkin SUPER DUPER slow..
is like they own e whole pavement or walkway..
whenever such things happened, 1 thought wil strike me imm.
they walk so slow, wil affect my time lohx..
ultimately bcux of them walkin slowly,
i missed a train.. which leads 2 missin a bus..
end up i hafta walk hm so as not 2 waste time waiting..
such slow coaches r really v disgusting..
they ownself waste time & yet pull others waste time w them..
so sorry.. my post end up sounding more like complaints..
anyway, i bght films 4 my hol-ka but no chance 2 use!
super duper sad! =(
ask me out!
ask me out!
ask me out!
so i can use my hol-ka & new film!
& supersampler too!
i haven got chance 2 test it at all..
e 1st roll is not even finished!
my mama super 爱美咯!
2dae got parcel deliverin 2 our hse..
but she duwan stay at hm help me sign parcel..
she wanna go REBOND HER QQ HAIR!
anyway, its been a long time since i join sprees..
cux i've been organisin my own F21 sprees..
organising n end up spendin $$ as well.. oohhhh!
i've 4gotten wat i ordered so far..
oni rem got watch, necklace, top, shorts..
another 20days to xmas eve..
gotta keep my promise 2 *her..
bcux *she really did 托梦给*他!
Labels: lomo, me myself n i, miscellaneous, spree
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