a visit to the dental
aft e pain that it has been givin me..
ytd i sneak off early at 4:15pm..
head down Bugis, wanted 2c Aviva Dental..
stupid dentist went off early lohx..
n i cant wait anymore!
so i took train down Bishan instead..
rch e clinic, nurse told me mux mak appt..
earliest is 630pm in e evening.
time check : 520pm.
i said ok & went hm 2 change..
plus inform my mama & papa abt it..
super worried cux nurse say if its wisdom tooth,
she wld suggest i extract it IMMEDIATELY!
*aahhhh fainted*
sms-ed 2 let dar.dar know abt it.
since he got nite class until 930pm,
he cldnt come down acc me.. :(
BUT, he's payin 4 e dental fees lahx..
lolx~ no time 4 me, den pay 4 my consultation..
Wisdom Tooth Extraction : $280-$580!!
while e dentist & nurse inside..
with smiles that ppl envy~
when its my turn,
upon lyin down on the "bed",
i can feel e stress in me liaox..
explain here & there..
AND, guess what e dentist say?
am i retarded or wat?
i dun feel/see them lehx? =\
until he ply open my mouth,
pointed it 2 me den i know lohx..
-.-" turn off right?
there's a pain in my mouth CUX,
e upper left wisdom tooth no space 2 grow..
so my gum swollen & turn infectious..
he ask whether my lower gum pain anot?
i say no. n he say, "r u sure?"
"or is it i pain until cant diferentiate le?"
lolx~ alright thats funny..
he explained that e upper gum infection,
so end up my lower gum got infected too.. :(
which, i shld feel e pain too!
he sprayed some "painkiller" in my left mouth,
& clean my left side innermost teeth..
he say i din clean them properly..
mux buy new toothbrush 4 cleanin e teeth..
those tip of e brush r smaller de..
so can rch innermost teeth.. :)
everything ended in 15mins time norx..
paid 4 it & went off..
that bottle is mouth wash..
smells yucky i tell u..
last nite nearly puked when i smell it..
but aft rinsin my mouth it taste alright..
lolx~ ;D
but make a guess on how much e bill is?
(>.<) lucky got dar.dar sponsor..
else.. omg~ i duwan 2 think..
this month's spendings :
AE flat pumps : $30
Supersampler + film : unknown. bill not here yet.
Holga + film + adapter + flash : dar.dar!
F21 stuffs : ~$50+
MWL Scrapbook class : $60 (2 classes)
Bdae bdae bdae : xXx not announcing here.
2nd dental appt : btw $60-$80
Poly clinic dental : ~$30?
Total : $330!!
includin mama allowance + bills~
BAH! when is $$ droppin down from sky?
i rched office at 827am!
jux 4 e sake of callin F21 cust. svc..
yeahx yeahx yeahx~
discepancy settled lohx..
package shld b shippin out 2dae/tml..
Labels: memorable day, scrapbook freak, spree
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