what i've been doing
had an fast-pact Fri but wkend was totally opp.
slpt til early noon b4 i woke up 2 wash clothes n lunch.
intend 2 do abit of scrapbook but failed!
time was spent online-ing, online-ing & MORE online-ing.
duno wat i did durin e times..
but went 2 bath & prepare at 5+pm.
watched abit VCDs b4 dar.dar called me.
walked 2 AMK Central had MOS dinner b4 takin 159.
rched dar.dar's hse at arnd 10pm.
started 2 get down 2 work.
e reason why i went over dar.dar's hse.
a total of 5 figurines 2 fix
jux nw red.. this 1 yellow..
follow by blue..
n green
so CUTE!
fixed e blue head & 1 leg
den is joining all e pieces up.
Sun was even worse..
the red one
e last one which is my fave!
alright~ so we returned 2 my hm last nite..
time was late so turned in at 1am aft Guess show.
Sun was even worse..
dar.dar's dad went fishin early morn..
we slpt til 11+am b4 wakin up.
(my motive is 2 watch CSI on AXN)
den CSI-ed frm 12noon-3pm..
in btw, we started fixin e remaining 3 figurines..
i was half-playing Bomberman on my N-Mei lahx..
i even decorated it with blings blings..
(in an attempt 2 act like a hk-er while in hk,
(in an attempt 2 act like a hk-er while in hk,
bcux most hk girls decor their N-Mei with blings too!)
this is my fave piece!
bcux this figurine got a STAR on its head.
muahahhahahah~ =x
muahahhahahah~ =x
these r inside e anime --- Keroro
alright~ so we returned 2 my hm last nite..
turned in at e usual time -- 11pm.
aft duno how long nv wear pants..
(i've been wearin 3/4 or capri 2 work)
i realise i stil can fit into e pants!
i realise i stil can fit into e pants!
im simply over-joyed!
u'll realise my big eye small eye is stil there..
which means last Fri i cant mei mei. ='(
2 more months..
n our 3yrs anni wil b here!
how shld we celebrate lehx? =\
so glad we din broke up & patch back..
althou aft countless quarrel,
e tot of breakin up did strikes me b4,
but im glad we both held back. ;)
~!* Happy 34th month-sary *!~
/* love u, dar.dar~ *whisper
Labels: celebration, dar.dar, lunch date
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