thse few days really danm stress n tired..
ugh~ n it all started on Thur..
[9th June 2005] Thur
arrange wib my team mates 2 go National Library do research..
for my Ethics n IT Law report lorx..
when me, cha bo n weimin rch Bugis there..
was standin right infront of e building..
den we noe e building is not open yet!!
sHit siax.. meet early in e morn at 10am lorx..
(>.<) aniway cha bo rem esplanade got library..
so we went there instead..
but as we noe, unlucky events oways happen right aft another..
e library would oni open at 11am..
n its so coincident tat on THUR tat they open at 11am..
so we hafta wait outside e library..
while readin our assignment too..
finally.. library open le..
to save time, we use e com 2 do our searching..
but no matter how we search, we cant find anitin suitable..
so weimin went 2 e counter 2 ask..
tats when we noe, esplanade library is a art n music library..
doubly -_-ll
well after our consideration, we decide 2 head 2 chinatown..
4 our desserts n lunch lorx..
bcux i told dem i had a sumptous chicken rice meal there mahx..
really had a hard time walkin frm Esplanade 2 Marina Sq..
n frm Marina Sq to Millenia Tower..
n to our destination, Suntec City.. in which we took bus 10
to Harbourfront, change bus to 166 to Chinatown..
really a long journey horx? ehem..
on e bus, cha bo was even sayin whether e stall wil open anot?
bcux we'r all v sway tat day mahx..
n true 2 her words.. e stall wasnt open..!!!
so we hafta settle 4 e stall right nx 2 it..
which is also chicken rice.. but e rice was so sticky n "nua nua"
guess e rice was suppose 2b used 4 makin rice balls bahx?
but no choice we order le.. n was famished..
so we hurrily finish up our chicken "rice balls"
n walk to People Park's Centre..
yeahx.. all 4 e sake of e dessert stall.. hohoho..
cha bo n weimin had mango sago while me almond longan lorx..
cha bo even had her 2nd rnd siax.. lolx..
we oso da bao back some oth hot desserts bac 4 ailian, py n shar..
tink they shld find it nice bahx? keke.. =p
had our fyp talk wib e Cai Zi Qiang lecturer..
wib all 45mins filled wib his presentation..
yes.. all 45mins talking.. n showin us slides..
n we got eyes, can read it ourselves.. =X
aft tat finally can go hm rest aft 1 day's long journey..
[10th June 2005] Fri
went 2 sch early 4 my Internet Application Development lect..
but e lecturer was super boring..
he really duno how 2 give long lectures siax.. ugh~
nearly zZz durin lecture.. but lucky ailian got her library bks..
haha.. read abt Skin problems n stuffs.. keke..
aft tat had our lunch at fc3.. while waitin 4 shar 2 cum..
n oso wib mengkiat's cake lahx..
is his bdae on Sat mahx.. so help him cele lorx..
bcux we had a class at 1pm.. so its kinda rush..
n we hafta keep it a secret.. 2 give him a surprise..
tats y kinda hard siax..
n sharmaine duno y suddenly nose bleed..
but lucky she came arnd 1pm..
wib a v delicious choco cake frm breadtalk worx..

isnt it v yummy looking? kekeke..
we keep it fast n short.. settle it within 20mins..
den we go our separate ways 4 our electives lorx..
me, cha bo n sharmaine head 4 our Bluetooth..
while e rest head 4 theirs..
aft 2hrs of lecture.. me, cha bo n peiying hafta go NUS..
4 our toopid fyp meetin wib dem lorx..
really super duper stupid lahx..
all bcux of our supervisor lorx..
he tot we'r same as last batch students..
all tak C++ as 1 of e modules..
so he assign us 2 work wib C++ proj..
guess wat e proj is abt?
we hafta us IR 2 scan a person's feature..
write prog 2 identify whether e person is happy, unhappy n etc..
using C++ lorx.. n worse still.. e NUS in charge is a CHina man..
he want us 2 presen it in 2 format..
1 in C++ and another in Java lorx.. he really tink we so free?
we told him we nv learn C++ but Visual
he seems not 2 believe us at all..
n say Visual Basic is not popular at all.. y wld we learn tat?
stupid asshole..
aft all his talking n drawing.. it really mak us super stressed..
we hafta master C++ at e end of July..
he oni give us 1 and a half mth lorx..
wat e hell!!!
den frm Aug onwards until e end of Oct, we hafta hand it..
wah kaox.. i really super pissed wib tis man..
arghx~ damn sway these few days lahx..
our supervisor ferry us bac 2 sch..
den cha bo went hm but me n py went 2 sch library..
decided 2 look 4 some C++ bks 2 read up on..
really hafta start learning.. if not can die liaox..
tat is oso e 1st time we stay in sch until so late..
jux bcux of lookin 4 bks lorx..
i rch hm oni at 7pm.. in which e sky turn dark le..
went 2 sch b4 e sky turn bright n rch hm when e sky bcum dark..
[11th June 2005] Sat
meet cha bo n peiying outside Police Academy 4 our work..
rch there at 9:15am lorx..
but was oni told tat we start work at 10am..
so in e meantime we rot there..
haha.. nahx.. j/k..
we fiddle wib e game stall stuffs..
n e in charge Ann assign us 2 our stall lorx..
den we change in2 a super obiang uniform..
its red in color de lorx.. omg~
i was send to work in a dart stall lahx..
ppl hafta throw darts 2 accumulate points in xchange 4 soft toys..
keke.. quite an easy task..
but cha bo n peiying's 1 more tiring..
sumore duno y they keep kana scoldin by e in charge..
got an ang moh keep cumin n ka jiao our work lorx..
all bcux of him, peiying even cried.. =\
tat was when cha bo decide 2 went off early..
we bluff e ppl there tat we got another job at 7pm..
so 6pm hafta went off lorx..
had a hard time persuading them 2 let us off lorx..
*heng* kekee..
our body was so sticky n e weather so stuffy..
we rushed hm right aft work..
had my bath den meet dar.dar 4 dinner at j8..
we had Sakae 4 dinner lahx..
eat my fave Chawamushi nehx..
n oso a Chicken Nabe which its quite nice..
budden alil' bit too salty lahx.. hehe..
aft tat we walked hm frm j8 lorx..
althou there r quiet moments..
but i wld oso treasure it.. =)
below is a song which i like it v much..
by my sis's idol Daniel Chan..
不用一首歌的時間 我就愛上你
音樂沒停止 思念就開始如果愛情是個遊戲
我願輸給你 想不到 等待是個孤獨的玩意
#我愛你 我愛你 不過是 三個字簡單的
認真的 嚇壞了 我自己沒問你 就愛你
我不是 最好的 對不起 請你准我高攀了你
看著你 我竟然看不起自己 遇見你
竟沒有離開的權利 有了你 之前的愛
只是練習 為了準備更好對你
兩個人抱在一起 究竟需要多少力氣
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