trace back to 1st June
and so my darling baby is back with me..
so, i can resume my photo entries..
i've sumhow influenced 2 ladies 2 develop
a liking for seaweed fries namely Miss Foo & Miss Wong.
ltr durin lunch, we'll b havin Mac..
but our Miss Foo cant join us cux colleague took urgent.
yet another lady, Miss Wu can mak it worx.. ;)
/* i've got team lunch 2dae but i DUWAN 2 go lahx..
afew days back, i went back Dover..
and reason is 2 cc & take pix..
and that bus is wat i took everyday for 3yrs..
really missed those times alot.. =\
had 2 eat Mac all bcux ...
aft dinner took bus 74 home..
which is always giving me "light" at odd hrs..
imagine midnite woke up bcux Mr Moon is shinin on me?
w/o zoom oso can c Mr Moon yo~
bcux dar.dar is standin behind me..
cfm mux tak such pix!
back to AMK meet dar.dar..
n we return back to AMK Hub for this!
e empty table wil b filled up with food sooner/later
had a hard time usin this hp for last Sat, Sun, Mon & Tue!
so if i reply slow/didnt reply is cux of this hp horx..
Tue aft work i head down Orchard 2 collect hp..
Tue aft work i head down Orchard 2 collect hp..
so qiao met mk & chris along e walkway..
really super qiao until i find SG v small ok..
that is wat i call FATE!
aft collectin my hp, i head hm liaox.. =x
how nice of him 2 buy me Dunkin Donuts siax..
all e way fly back frm Indonesia lehx..
mayb he knows im cravin 4 donuts bahx?
anyway, seein this donut reminds me of sth..
it was during lunch so office no1..
i can play anyway i want!
den i rem i shld drop by bugis 2 check out a shop..
my sis say e shop sells cheap party poppers..
and FEI (for everyone's info),
and FEI (for everyone's info),
im lookin 4 STAR-shaped balloons horx..
so sad.. cux i cant find it anywhere.. =(
all girls wil goes, "sinful thing!"
BUT, not me nor Miss Foo worx..
we took some pix along bugis mtr/junction..
everyone is lookin at us when we snap..
i mean, wats so special 2 c harx?
i mean, wats so special 2 c harx?
is there anything wrong with takin pix?
to mak my face look smaller.. =p
*we spot e same side of parting*
as i was meetin dar.dar at 8pm at AMK,
in btw i've got tons of time 2 pass..
and i tot of dropin by PS's Spotlight..
so might as well find sum1 lonely 2 acc me?
who else but Miss Foo lehx?
who else but Miss Foo lehx?
(i know her bf work aftn shift ytd)
from Spotlight->Daiso->CNS->Made With Love->
SaSa->John Little->U.R.S->G2000->GG<5->
m)phosis->Dorothy Perkins->G2000
all these done within 1hr 15mins!
tell me which girl can do shoppin so fast?
kekeke.. we oni look thru things we're interested in,
and den off we go w/o lookin back liaox..
i hate dilly dally shoppin arhx..
it wil take years 2 complete a shoppin mall..!
BUT e bad thing is, we didnt buy anything
i spotted some nice tops in m)phosis..
a double layered top in G2000
and a 30% capri/pants frm GG<5
some bras in John Little,
stickers/alphas in Made With Love,
wordings balloons in Spotlight,
nicey BUT too big tunic in Dorothy,
and yet i din buy a single item!
how sad is that arhx? =(
returnin back empty-handed isnt good..
cux i keep thinkin abt e things..
which wil make my brain keep working..
so, i might pop by again 2 grab them!
for e shape i want, i hafta topup extra $10 siax..
=( stil considering whether wan this shop anot..
so qiao i visit n they got this 4 me..
definitely mux have it!
comparable with The Soup Spoon!
comparable with The Soup Spoon!
we had diff drinks 2 try both flavours..
Kola Tonic & Passion Fruit
its sambal fish 4 dar.dar
dar.dar ordered a dessert 2 share lahx..
im too full 2 eat half of it..
oni tried e cream & chips ice cream lohx..
he say its comparable with The Secret Garden..
(but e price is a hell lots diff)
if any1 notice,
most of my invitees have replied..
but stil got sumore kuku fellows refused 2 reply..
is replyin a Yes/No that diff?
or mayb their fingers cant type sms?
if not y din they reply me?
hehe.. fret not! im not angry lahx..
jux abit disappointed that they dont even wanna reply..
i mean, its basic courtesy right?
sumore i took e intiative 2 invite them..
yet this is wat i get!
btw, im going 2 post up my Wish List..
aft bein asked by some frenx 4 it..
i think i had better post 1 up soon bahx..
wil do so when im free ltr.. ;)
Labels: everyday life
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