HK 9th & 10th Day
25th May 2007 [ Friday ]
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our 1st stop is 2 buy movie tix!
bght our tix 4 Pirates of e Carribean 3..
dar.dar's beef meal set
thats me & dar.dar's palm lahx..
after buy tix, we took train to Sham Shui Po.
had our 1st meal of e day..
had our 1st meal of e day..
love it!
the noodle + soup r delicious!
bcux of this grape + aloe vera,
im hooked on Grape already!
which explains why im keen to drink Grape frm Anything!
which explains why im keen to drink Grape frm Anything!
last min shoppin again lahx..
bght some Mei Xin cakes too..
looks delicious arent they?
my box of cakes!!
another couple key chain..
exquisite & individuality orhx..
cost me HK$45 & HK$55 each.
side view.

e times sq at night is v crowded too..
me & dar.dar's reflection
those cakes we choose..
1 heart heart 4 each of us..
met dar.dar's relatives 4 dinner..
n aft our dinner,
n aft our dinner,
we head 4 our movie lohx!!
i've watched this movie like long time ago.
waitin 4 our movie 2 start..
my last meal in HK airport..
dar.dar's last meal
wat we hand-carried on board..
at least i dun have 2 climb e flight of stairs..
reached hotel at 2:45am..
packed our luggage n zZz til morn..
total spendings : HK$290
26th May 2007 [Saturday]
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checked out at 12noon sharp.
walked arnd Wan Chai area
and all e way to Times Sq
meetin dar.dar's relatives at 2pm 4 lunch..
at a nearby restuarant of Times Sq.
dar.dar even ask his auntie help me buy my tee..
so paiseh 4 me siax.. kekeke..
we enjoyed & hurried off..
so qiao we saw a bakery shop sellin dumplings..
and we bght 4 BIG boxes of it.. =)
finally boarded e coach 2 head down airport at 330pm
oni rched e airport at 545pm lohx..
cux they went 2 fetch alot oths..
excluding another bag of egg rolls we bght..
our boarding pass
we're nearly late 4 boarding.. =x
SG swt SG finally..
my sis & bf came 2 fetch us..
save cab fare siax..
i oni managed 2 turn in at 3am..
aft sorting out my luggage..
overall, i did enjoy myself VVVV much!
Labels: holiday
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