20th April 2007 [Friday]
- click on pix to enlarge -
set off in e morning at arnd 9+am..
rched airport arnd 10am and we settled check-in
walked arnd and decided 2 enter e Departure early..
my sis spotted free internet access available..thus i was able 2 blog abit while i was inside..
ready for check-in by arnd 12noon..
wOohOo~ my 1st time takin SQ..super excited..
e take-off was done smoothly..
i din have any blocked ear at all..
and there's no abrupt takin off of plane..
*thumbs up 4 SQ*
e service was even better..
1 of e air-stewardess even rem me..
that i wanted a "warm" water instead of water..
and i find her so darn pretty can?
i even asked my sis 2 peep at her name 4 me..
as i was short-sighted -.-"
2 diff kinda meals 2 choose from..i chose e International Meal..
bcux there's whipped potato~!
rched TW at arnd 5pm
and e oth airline was delayed..
can u imagine WE waitin at e luggage bag?
bcux e tour agency told us 2 meet there de..
den we stupidly waited there for a gd 30+mins...
e tour guide called me and said Eva Air was delayed..
wld such thing happen 2 SQ?
i doubt it wil happen often right?
anyway, we wasted abt 1hr+ waitin 4 Eva Air ppl..
finally.. they appeared at arnd 7pm..
and to my horror, there really is..
SO DAMN MUCH elderly!!
is this an elderly trip? (>.<)
i shld have took a photo of all e old ppl..
this trip was split into diff grps..
10s, 8s, 6s, 4s, 2 3s, and 3 2s..
(do u uds?)
ok.. enough said..
i shld stop complainin abt e old ppl..
anyway, set off to e Shihlin Night Market..
sadly, we only stopped for 1hr 30mins..
so big and so lil' time 2 walk..
freaking hell!
i hate tour lahx.. =(
btw, e traffic lights was animated..
i mean e green man blinkin 4 pedestrains crossing..
and it wil start running when it hit last 20secs..
which is so cute can? =D
click to enlarge kx..
e tour guide intro some food 2 us..those shown above can b found anywhere in TW..esp e fried oyster..
i've had it like 3 out of 7days..bcux my mama loved it..
take note of e bottom right pix..my papa's expression look so cute right?hahahha.. he was famished..and yet we insist on takin pix b4 eatin..
which can b quite troublesome ehx?
ok.. so we checked into our hotel at 10pm..
was given connected rooms by e tour leader..
but, its at 1 ulu corner of e storey..
and im wondering why mux they include a EXIT sign?
its like every single rm, there's an EXIT sign..
who wouldnt know where 2 escape?
and, its so freaky in green color lights kx?
which cannot be SWITCHED off!
*faint* (do e fainting act)
and my this sis cldnt slp with light on..
so.. hafta endure e greenish lights & doze off..
pardon our bed's messiness..
woke up in e early morn 2 get ready..
what do u expect?
clean up e room 4 them mehx?
in case if ur wondering..
e luggage in e middle of e bed is MINE..
with a BIG glow-in-e-dark STAR
i gave my sis a gd scare on e 1st night..
by wakin up in e middle of night..
switch off my hp charger..
and attempt 2 keep inside my luggage..
she heard scuffling sound..
and woke up 2c me sittin on e floor..
she tot i was slp-walking..
im so sorry 2 give u a scare..
Labels: holiday
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